my niece is on beta 1 of iOS 12 and a couple of days ago she started getting crashes from some iOS apps like Music and parts of system. (System-general-iPhone storage) crashes. Tried reinstall of music.
Yeah. Odd things happen. It was fine in the morning before she went to lunch and then the Netflix thing started but has since been resolved by Netflix and then the Music app and a few areas of settings (mostly to do with querying storage) popped up. Was merely hoping someone here might have some ideas before I push her to the "wipe and reload/restore" option.
It's a beta 1. All manner of issues will crop up, seemingly from nowhere - some will be pertinent to you only and no-one else, some with affect others as well. It's what happens with an initial beta - it'll be buggy as all get-out. So any issues you've raised over this come under the 'and, in other news, water is wet' category.
It's beta 1 of a major release, it won't be perfect. If she uses the feedback app to report the issue to Apple hopefully they'll get it fixed in the next beta.