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macrumors 601
Original poster
Sep 30, 2014
Great White North - aka Canada
I have one photo that’s been uploading for a few days now. I turned off iCloud photo rebooted the phone. (Hard reset) turned on iCloud photo, it was uploading 6,200 photos and yet again stuck in that one photo. I’m not sure which photo it is as I went back about 200 photos and they were in my other devices.

I really don’t want to logout and log back into iCloud as it’s a pain.

any idea’s? I reported it to Apple already.

I have not had that issue but I do have an issue with my apps (upon opening them) saying that I do not have internet access. You could be running into something like that.
I have one photo that’s been uploading for a few days now. I turned off iCloud photo rebooted the phone. (Hard reset) turned on iCloud photo, it was uploading 6,200 photos and yet again stuck in that one photo. I’m not sure which photo it is as I went back about 200 photos and they were in my other devices.

I really don’t want to logout and log back into iCloud as it’s a pain.

any idea’s? I reported it to Apple already.


I’ve been trying to download all my pictures (only about 2700) for days since reinstalling Mx 11 Pro Max. It just doesn’t seem to complete. It was “stuck” on ‘downloading 1007’ for over a day this morning with no change in storage. So I’ve started again and it’s ridiculously slow and seems to have stopped. Strangely the storage amount in settings is up and down like a bride’s nightie too.
I’ve been trying to download all my pictures (only about 2700) for days since reinstalling Mx 11 Pro Max. It just doesn’t seem to complete. It was “stuck” on ‘downloading 1007’ for over a day this morning with no change in storage. So I’ve started again and it’s ridiculously slow and seems to have stopped. Strangely the storage amount in settings is up and down like a bride’s nightie too.

i hope something comes out today to fix this issue for both of us! But we may have to wait till next week...

You sir, are a star, thanks for the link. Glad it’s not just me. This is completely unacceptable by Apple. We are paying through the nose for a not folic for purpose solution!
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Pfft - you lot with your GB of photos. I can't even get a few text shortcuts to sync properly from my phone to my laptop. There's probably a whole 1MB of data there.

Not folic at all! Are you using the new swipe keyboard perchance? 😁
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