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macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 29, 2012
Gothenburg - Sweden
Hi guys!

Just thought I'd give a small heads up on a discussion that's brewing since earlier today on reddit, and also on Twitter;

It seems there's some type of issue with synchronization between the iPhone and Apple Watch when they're updated with latest releases (iOS 15.3 and WatchOS 8.4 released this Wednesday just two days ago).

The way it behaves is that any new tickets or coupons added to your wallet on the phone since the update won't show up on your watch.
Same thing, deleting a ticket or coupon on the phone won't remove it from your watch.

The other way around however seems to properly sync; If you delete a ticket on your watch, that same ticket will be removed from your phone (if it exists).

I have not yet tested if this also applies to cards used for Apple Pay, but as they are added to the phone and watch separately and can't purely be synced over, hopefully this does not fail due to the same issue.

The issue seems to span multiple types of phones and watches.

Link to the discussion on reddit:


macrumors 6502
Oct 29, 2010
I'm having trouble adding Passes from Safari on the Mac. It says it was added and when I click a "Add to Wallet" Link again it tells me it was already added, but they never end up on my phone. Now I checked, and yes, the ones I added manually on the phone itself don't end up on the watch here, either.
I think there is something wrong with (iCloud) syncing of passes.

One pass worked however: The Vaccination Record from health showed up automatically both on the iPhone and watch
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macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 29, 2012
Gothenburg - Sweden
Aah, even more paths I hadn't considered...

I've read elsewhere that users that had kept their iPhones on earlier iOS releases, but upgraded their watches were seeing the same behavior as I initially described, so that would have narrowed it down to the WatchOS part being the culprit.

The issue adding from Safari on Mac does however point in the other direction, that it's a even more "distributed" issue.


macrumors 603
Mar 10, 2016
They just released a .1 updated today for Watch OS. Have you tried that?
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