I'd like to see the following:
1. Multi-tasking, obviously, but with a more "iPad-ish" implementation. However, I think Apple will take the same UI as the iPhone so it will look like Dashboard when you add a new widget - the whole damned screen slides up.
2. Widgets. Some way of running a clock in the background so I can set an alarm and not need to have the app running for it to go off. Just bring the clock app across from the iPhone, have it pop over the screen and let me set the alarm. Same thing for the weather, stocks, voice recorder etc. They don't need to be full blown apps with an icon on the screen for each, just give me a Dashboard-like app icon, touch it and whoosh... all these apps on screen at once.
3. UI tweaks. I want a more space efficient layout for the app screens. Give us five across in vertical and six horizontal. I dunno, something that makes it look less like a big iPod touch and more like the iPod touch's larger, more awesome brother. Let me hide the left had column in landscape split-screen view, have it slide in at the touch of a small button on the margin that appears when it slides back. I'd rather it be a tray than an always-visible window.
4. Printing. Yeah, tricky beast, not something easily solved but damn it'd be nice to just say "Print this document" from any app and bang, away it goes.
5. Not an iOS 4 thing at all but MORE AWESOME APPS. We seem to have hit a wall in app development for the iPad. I've had the same four pages of apps now for a good month or so. I think the only recent addition was Flipboard and that is very cool but where are the iPad versions of Skype? Proper newspaper apps that aren't just RSS feeds re-organised? It just feels a bit stagnant in iPad App Land.
6. Folders, definitely. I've got used to having all my apps on two pages on my iPhone. Yeah, flipping through another couple of pages is nothing but I'd still like some consistency across the whole product line.
7. Apps designed for the iPhone 4's retina display to work at full 960x640 on the iPad. There's no reason this can't happen, all the resources are there to run at full res but the iPad doesn't recognise the "@2x" files (I think they're "@2x", something like that) and these high-res apps are left running in a tiny window in the middle of my screen.
8. WiFi syncing of content to and from iTunes. Really Apple, these aren't the days of 802.11b - WiFi is fast now, everything you've sold for years supports 802.11n so why do I need to plug my iPad in every time I want to add some photos or a TV show or two? Let me pair my iPad like I do an AppleTV and transfer stuff wirelessly. Back it up wirelessly too please, if it's gonna need some time then let me know and I'll plug it in but usual back ups are fast and small.
9. For god's sake, DON'T pull me out of the App Store every time I download an app. Or, if you're going to do it, at least remember my spot so I can come back to. So annoying going through 10 or 11 pages and finding an app you want to buy only to come back into the app store and have to load those 10 pages again to continue where you left off.
10. Let me select SD Youtube over HD Youtube on the fly. HD Youtube is great but sometimes I just want to show someone a video and those big HD files can take ages to download. Just give me a quick "SD or HD" box to select and that'd be great.
11. Let me rotate photos.
Wow, thought this was going to be short. I've just noticed a distinct drop in iPad use since getting the iPhone 4 and I think the iPad is desperately in need of the new software.