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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 29, 2008
Wales UK
Hi guys have noticed something concerning, i installed iOS5GM 20 days ago, iv just checked my cellular data usage and its showing 2.9GB:eek: now iv checked my last few bills and every month i don't go over 400mb, normally around the 350 mark.

Any one got any ideas what the hell is going on ?
Just done a check on my wife's uk orange pay and go, she has 250mb data each month, so far this month she has used 34mb, however I just turned off WIFI and reset the statistics then had a look at a few apps in the app store, only looked at them none downloaded. For looking at apps for less than 3 minutes it's showing 1.1mb uploaded and 7mb down loaded.

Something funky going on :confused:
Stop doing so much crap over 3G?

which part of every bill iv had has never been over 400mb did you miss, i generally don't use my phone for other than checking email when out and about, my usage has not changed, we have 3 phones showing very high usage since IOS5, checking the app store for a few minutes taking 7mb is correct ?
Check Settings - iCloud - Documents & Data and see if "Use Cellular" is on.

Check Settings - Store and see if anything is set to "Automatic Downloads" and if "Use Cellular Data" is on.

Those are the 2 most likely culprits.
That is strange. Mine is showing as 500mb used since Friday when I got my 4s. When I check my data usage with AT&T itsshowing 153.1mb used.
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A334 Safari/7534.48.3)

No problem here. iPhone says I've used 20mb since Friday. I've got everything switched on wrt Mobile data usage too.

4s, setup as new, on 3 in UK
Remember that Siri processing is done on the Apple servers, so your voice has to be digitised and sent to Apple, which will run up data usage quite significantly.
That is strange. Mine is showing as 500mb used since Friday when I got my 4s. When I check my data usage with AT&T itsshowing 153.1mb used.

AT&T data usage is not in realtime. Their servers update daily I believe.

Anyway I am way over my normal usage, but was expecting this.

This is one of the main reasons I kept my unlimited.

460mb since friday night.....
Remember that Siri processing is done on the Apple servers, so your voice has to be digitised and sent to Apple, which will run up data usage quite significantly.

Based on what data? Compressing your voice and sending it is a joke in terms of data bandwidth.

I did a few tests on this as did others and it was ~30KB to ask for the weather. That's a far cry from several hundred Mb. (3333 times asking for the weather to get to 100MB actually).
Check Settings - iCloud - Documents & Data and see if "Use Cellular" is on.

Check Settings - Store and see if anything is set to "Automatic Downloads" and if "Use Cellular Data" is on.

Those are the 2 most likely culprits.

thanks for that, interesting iCloud - Documents & Data was on but Store was off.

are these on by default as this could cause major issues, however I'm not convinced its reading rite, my mrs said it had done over 200mb since yesterday but here usage with orange is showing 34mb since the 10th so something is not rite.
My iPad 2 tells me I've downloaded 6.3GB and uploaded 4.2GB in a week since I've had it, yet when I check my usage with the network provider, I've used about 2GB. It must be measuring Wi-Fi usage too, possibly due to some glitch?
I 've had the 4s for three days and it reports 78mb used for cellular data but my O2 account summary reports only 13kb used.
I called O2 and they confirmed that my billable amount is indeed 13 kb, so what the phone reports must either be a glitch or else it's computing all data used from any source.
I also downloaded the O2 app and I can use it to track my billable usage from O2. I imagine that other networks offer a similar app.
I called O2 and they confirmed that my billable amount is indeed 13 kb, so what the phone reports must either be a glitch or else it's computing all data used from any source.

You'd have been better off ringing the Queen - O2 don't know their arse from their elbow. The person you called would be looking at the same screen on the web site as you were.

They'll suddenly find your excess usage and bill you for it.
there is something very strange going on with the reading, today after i turned off the Icloud setting for cellular its only used 2mb, going to turn it back on and see whats happens
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