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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 13, 2011
Greetings Fellow Mac/iPhone heads!

Let me first say, I really dig iOS 5.

Now that thats out of my system. MOST, (if not all) of us have an iPhone/iPad here and we're really enjoying it. The only downside is, our friends, family & significant others who do not have/own and iDevice or are not running iOS 5.


whew. Now then, that brings me to my topic.

I just want to start a thread where people (like us) can promote ourselves and wreak havoc on the utilities Apple has given us and enjoy them!

Feel free to Browse, Message & Converse with others like myself!

I'll go first!
Lobo - iMessage Email: REMOVED

Feel free to message me, start a convo, or just say hello stranger!
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I'm so excited like yourself about iOS 5 and most importantly about iMessage!

but since I've updated, in the settings page of iMessage it still says "Waiting for activation..."

FaceTime is working well, and I'm using the same email for both :/ any help?
and once I fix this, I'll post my email :D
Edit: removed as I'm sick of being added to group chats and having people send me messages saying "test"
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How do I change my iMessage e-mail to my e-mail account? Mine is my Apple ID Gmail address by default.

i see a lot of people asking this question.

When i updated and installed to iOS 5, setting up iCloud it asked me to make a address. After i made it, i just began using it for my iMessage. With my facetime email staying the same as it were since it began.

Now i have 2 SEPARATE emails for each service. In 'Settings' you can choose to set what is delivered where, and what email can receive your FaceTime calls.

^^ thats my take on the situation.
urgh... I'm starting to get desperate :(

I went to settings and turned on iMessage, but it doesn't say "waiting for activation..." anymore. and I changed my country to Lebanon.

now it just says "iMessages can be sent between iPhones, etc.."
and the options for the "read receipts" and "send as sms" are there.

and I put my Apple ID in "receive at".

now i added your emails posted here to my contacts, but when i open a new message and choose one of your names it puts just the name and not the email, and it doesn't work...

any help??

[edited]: turned off iMessage for now. I'm waiting until it gets worked on. because now, it can get really annoying and spammy.
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p.s. my apple ID is try sending me a message to see what happens...

Some confusion over on this end at first too, but I think I've got it figured out. You just go to Messages and input someone's e-mail like you would a phone number. It takes a second to verify and then you can input text. BTW, I just sent you a test message to help you out. Let me know if it works.
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Some confusion over on this end at first too, but I think I've got it figured out. You just go to Messages and input someone's e-mail like you would a phone number. It takes a second to verify and then you can input text. BTW, I just sent you a test message to help you out. Let me know if it works.

and I just replied. Thank you so much!
Thanks to Lobokendo, I am fully functional with iMessage :D

Add me to the list:*edit* had to remove email due to excessive messages..
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Edit: Jeez, that was a bad idea. Spam-o-rama. If anyone genuine would like to iMessage it up then drop me a PM.
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