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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 4, 2011
hi all,

i am currently running iOS 4.3.3 and would like to upgrade to iOS 5 but cannot seem to download and install as iTunes will only allow me to upgrade to iOS 5.0.1. but once i hopefully get to upgrade to iOS 5 i would like to jailbreak it but am aware there is no untethered version out but a tethered version is so can i install this and them upgrade to the untethered version when available and not loose any information?

you help is much appreciated,



Please use the appropriate forum or subforum. To help other users find the threads they are looking for, please choose the most appropriate forum for your new thread. Use Hacks for jailbreaking and customization.
You cannot install iOS 5.0.0 anymore. Even if you have your saved SHSH blobs. Starting with iOS 5, Apple changed the way the blobs are signed so that they can only be used once. iOS 5.0.1 is the only thing you can upgrade to.
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