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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 18, 2009
Verizon. IPhone 6s Plus. System Services > Documents and Sync is over 5 GB and growing. Anyone else?
I already reported that issue as serious bug since 9.1. Apple acknowledged the issue, asked for a specific log, but closed after "insufficient" data. I suggest you do the same and hope for a fix.
Do you have iCloud Drive disabled entirely?
I use iCloud Drive, but I usually don't open it when on cellular. My documents and data are 117MB. I last reset it December 18th.
Submitted a bug report. Thanks for the replies.
I've gone through a couple gigs the last few days, which is very unusual for me. System Services has consumed 1.1 GB in the last 37 hours. I've shut off mobile data for iCloud Drive. Hope that helps. Feedback filed.
Having the same problem too (AT&T) and was even eating cell data while on WiFi. I tried turning off all Apps ( :apple:Watch can't be cut off) and reseting stats to check. In just 5 minutes I had gone through almost 4MB. Time & Location 2.3MB and Documents & Sync (even though all are off) 1.3MB were the main couplets. Going to leave Cell Data off completely and only cut on as I need it until we get the next beta.
mine said i used 3,8 GB within hours yesterday i was like wtf? but i dont think the indicator of iOS is right cuz i should have been throttled as soon as i reached 3GB but i am not. also for examplr twitter shows 700 mb used on the 22th ... as if. funnily enough it shows 1GB for uninstalled Apps (i didnt even delete any app recently)
mine said i used 3,8 GB within hours yesterday i was like wtf? but i dont think the indicator of iOS is right cuz i should have been throttled as soon as i reached 3GB but i am not. also for examplr twitter shows 700 mb used on the 22th ... as if. funnily enough it shows 1GB for uninstalled Apps (i didnt even delete any app recently)
I know mine for right (or at least in agreement with AT&T).
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