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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 23, 2010
Has anyone managed to get this working? The button never did anything in the betas for me except cause the phone to go in a crazy loop and get extremely hot (until I reset the phone)

I'm on the GM now and the button is still there but doesn't do anything. Does it work for anyone else? I'm in the UK on EE and have enabled Wi-Fi calling.

Tried turning it on again in the GM and Again the phone gets extremely hot and the battery drops 1% every minute. Clearly there is still a massive bug in the GM with this.
What does your battery usage app list say? Does an offender stand out?
Nope, and it never did show an offender. Clearly a background process trying to turn on cellular continuity with no way of stopping it.
darn. Can you try again this evening after the GM has finished indexing and let us know?
Will do. I've reset all settings (as in did during the beta) but it's still getting extremely hot. Think it's going to need another complete wipe and fresh rebuild from scratch. Had to do this 3 times during the public beta, cannot believe it still is an issue on the GM.
I had this feature on all last night and overnight. Battery only dropped like 2%. No hotness at all whatsoever. Works great on my end.
I had this feature on all last night and overnight. Battery only dropped like 2%. No hotness at all whatsoever. Works great on my end.
Does it actually work for you? What network/carrier are you on?
darn. Can you try again this evening after the GM has finished indexing and let us know?
Just to let you know the phone didn't resolve itself. I've since done a backup and restore which also didn't fix it, neither did updating to ios 9.1. Only option now is to completely restore the phone to factory and start from fresh, which also means doing tha sma eon my watch again.

I had to do this 3 times during the public beta (it's a beta, so I accept that - even if a public released beta), but to be still doing this on the GM really worries me. This could potentially affect a lot of people.
I have been using this since the early betas with TMO US with no problem. The only thing that would happen occasionally is I would get a prompt on my iPad asking if I want to use Wifi calling when restarting the iPad even though it was already on. I successfully made calls on my iPad while my iPhone was completely powered off.
I have been using this since the early betas with TMO US with no problem. The only thing that would happen occasionally is I would get a prompt on my iPad asking if I want to use Wifi calling when restarting the iPad even though it was already on. I successfully made calls on my iPad while my iPhone was completely powered off.
I never had any prompts on iPad, the option appeared to do nothing - but the phone would then get hotter a and hotter and the battery would drain, the only option being restore to a backup before the button was tapped, or setting up as a brand new phone. I'm on EE in the Uk.

Really hope this works though. EE have full wifi calling and it would be extremely useful!
This feature is incredible on T-Mobile. Running on 9.1 beta one and 10.11 GM. I posed this experience in another thread:

On OS9 and 9.1, I can make and receive calls on other devices (iPad, OS X running 10.11 GM) *without* going through the phone on my regular cell phone number. My service is T-Mobile. Evidently, T-Mobile at least now allows Wi-Fi calling from computers and iPads...

On iOS phone settings:

1. turn on wi-fi calling
2. turn on "calls on other devices"
3. designate the other devices that you want to allow calls on.

From OS X (10.11 GM):

1. open FaceTime, preferences, and check "Calls from iPhone" (in FaceTime on 10.10, this preference used to be "iPhone Cellular Calls")

To test:
1. put iPhone in airplane mode
2. dial a phone # in FaceTime on OS x

For me, the call completes in FaceTime even though the iPhone is not on a cellular network. Can receive calls to cell phone number as well on the computer.

This must be carrier specific
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