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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 14, 2016
I like to listen to audio in the background while I use other apps (especially casual games). In some cases, though, even with the audio settings inside the active app being set to "off" or equivalent, the background audio from Apple Music will always be paused (even if I resume it from the Control Center while the app is still open). If I watch something with the picture-in-picture (PIP) mode within the same app, though, it does allow me to keep the audio/video going. If it's background audio it's muted, but as soon as the PIP is present the audio can keep playing.

I'm not a developer or engineer, but does the iOS PIP override all app audio to ensure the video will always play with audio if possible? I wish this setting was applied to Apple Music or other audio apps. If it's unique to the PIP, I hope they could add a podcast and music PIP to allow us to chose which audio we actually want to hear. If you want a specific example, I can watch Disney+ in PIP while playing "Dragon Quest IV" but not listen to background audio from Apple Music or Podcasts.
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