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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 24, 2019
Do you think Apple will debut another iOS 7-like design overhaul in the next two years? Do you feel it’s necessary, and that iOS is getting a bit stale? With the issue-laden rollout of the last design overhaul in iOS 7, and the many issues we’ve experienced with the iOS 13 rollout, I fear that Apple will be hesitant in the future to launch a new full rethink of the iPhone’s software design. What are your thoughts?
Software development is always an evolutionary process to begin with. There’s nothing called a bug free software. Even in critical systems there are bugs, albeit the threshold is way higher for a release but with things like smartphones that’s not the case.

If they deem necessary they’ll redesign the OS. Generally consumers have no clue about these things in terms of if it’s “needed”. Steve jobs once famously said, consumers don’t know what they need that’s why we need to take responsibility for them to push the boundaries.

So yes I think it’ll change again but can’t say anything about the timeline.
The future design paradigm has been pretty much been exposed in a lot of the newer applications Apple debuted this/last year so I'd expect several more refinements before we get a major flush. Generally it works in a path like this: Apple introduces new applications which have custom/private UI elements, the following year they open them up to developers and expand on the prototyping from the previous year by introducing those trends to the major first party applications.

It was something started after iOS 7 and seems to be working well for them, so not major shift is needed, yet. Johnny Ive's redesign was pretty intense, but it forced a radically more aggressive development strategy for keeping the UI (and other components) fresh.

I personally love the current, upcoming design — it just took a long while to get there through many many steps.
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