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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 9, 2004

I recently moved to a new hosting provider and set up my email from scratch. I use IMAP to keep mail on my Mac and iPhone synchronized. Nothing special, right?

This works fine for the standard Inbox and Drafts folders and for 'custom' INBOX/subfolders but not for Send and Trash. There's an option in the iOS Mail settings to change the Send and Trash folders, but they won't stick. :(

So basically OS X Mail and iOS Mail won't play nice and stick to their own Send and Trash folders.

I asked my hosting provider about it. They confirmed they know about this problem but had no real solution, other then creating a custom folder Send and Trash and use that for both.

I suppose this will work but also will leave me with 3 Send folders + 3 Trash folders = 6 folders cluttering op my folders list where only 2 of them will ever be used.

Is there a better solution for this? in Amsterdam. They use 'standard' software like DirectAdmin, Linux servers, etc. so I figured that would not make the difference.
I haven't configured email with DirectAdmin. It sounds like some sort of non-conforming IMAP behavior that exists in DirectAdmin or at least the way your provider is using it.

The only thing other than moving to a known-compatible separate email provider that I can thing of is setting up some sort of forwarding and "send as" with a known compatible provider.
I fixed it by re-assigning the 'special' folders for thrash etc.
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