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h4lp m3

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 29, 2011
New Orleans
DISCLAIMER*: It is not my intention to offend anyone, I realize some people adore the Apple brand and are sensitive with their Mac products, but I feel that I have some legitimate concerns in regard to planned obsolescence. For some of you, upgrading isn’t a huge deal. In fact, it’s often welcome amongst Mac enthusiastics. I’m a huge Mac fan myself, but I don’t have the pocket change to play this game every year, nor the patience to migrate and revamp my computing lifestyle.

Now let’s get down to it: IOS can be very restrictive at times, but I’m not claiming that I know better than Apple. I trust that they know what works best for their devices. My issue is when Apple completely abandons a product and leaves us in the dark. Such is the case with my iPad 1. I paid $850 for the 64GB AT&T model and apple’s lack of updates has rendered it nearly useless. Realizing that this device is relatively weak in terms of processor speed, I caved in and bought an iPad Air, but I would still like to use my 1st Gen iPad for basic things… Like calculator. :rolleyes:

It is my opinion, that when Apple stops offering updates for a device, they should at least remove the restrictions that prevent us from downloading apps- specifically, THE APP STORE ITSELF. Anyone with IOS 5.1.1 knows what I’m talking about. This older version of App Store is infested with so many bugs, you can’t even download many of the legacy apps available for IOS 5.1.1.

On a comical note, the so called App “Genius” feature is constantly recommending new apps that require IOS 6.
"A genius is a person who displays exceptional intellectual ability, creativity, or originality, typically to a degree that is associated with the achievement of an unprecedented leap of insight."

Unprecedented insight, indeed...
You can download old versions of apps from the app store now...

I also have a first gen iPad around (in fact the exact same one) and I'm sure it would also handle iOS 6 perfectly fine just like the iPhone 3GS which had even lower specs...
You can download old versions of apps from the app store now...

I also have a first gen iPad around (in fact the exact same one) and I'm sure it would also handle iOS 6 perfectly fine just like the iPhone 3GS which had even lower specs...

Pretty sure you can't upgrade the original iPad past iOS 5.1.1
I don't think the original ipad could run ios 6 well because of the amount of ram it has, 256 megs of ram to power a 9.7 inch display is simply not enough. Thats also the reason why the ipod touch 4th generation didn't get ios 7! Ram! even ios 6 ran slowly on mine!
Now let’s get down to it: IOS can be very restrictive at times, but I’m not claiming that I know better than Apple. I trust that they know what works best for their devices. My issue is when Apple completely abandons a product and leaves us in the dark. Such is the case with my iPad 1. I paid $850 for the 64GB AT&T model and apple’s lack of updates has rendered it nearly useless. Realizing that this device is relatively weak in terms of processor speed, I caved in and bought an iPad Air, but I would still like to use my 1st Gen iPad for basic things… Like calculator. :rolleyes:

Apple released an update to the 2009 iPhone 3GS (the 5 year old iPhone). There isn't necessarily planned obsolescence.

That pales in comparison to handsets like the Samsung Galaxy S4. It's not even a year old and appears to be abandon ware. I have coworkers who still haven't gotten the 6month ago update.

What you seem to suffer most from is the 'early adopter tax'.
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