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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 15, 2016
Warsaw, Poland
I have just moved my company from old hosting to GSuite by Google.

I'm very used to the native Mail App, which I use on both MBP and iPhone.
On my laptop everything went flawlessly, however on my iPhone I am struggling.

Firstly, I have added GMail account in Settings. All looked fine, but I had only e-mails from last 3 days and the rest from 2013. I thought that I should give it some time, but being connected both to the plug and v. fast 300Mbit Wi-Fi - nothing happened in 12 hours.

I have installed GMails App and all mails are there, but the design/usability is far from my expectations.

Is there a way to force iPhone to sync complete mailbox? Should I erase iPhone completely and set-up as a new phone maybe?

Looking forward to receive some help :)


macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 15, 2016
Warsaw, Poland
I'm on the same boat. What about use Google apps instead native apps?

I have a few accounts on gmail for business and according to google support I can’t use two at the same time in the gmail app.

I also thing Apple mail app is working quite well.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 8, 2011
Redlands, CA
I also use Google to host my personal domain email. The only thing I found that worked for me, and I cannot explain why, is to delete the gmail account from the iphone. Then go to the gmail web interface, and in the gmail settings turn conversation view "off." Once you have done this, try rebooting the iphone and adding the gmail account again. It solved the problem of missing and out of order emails for me.

Once it's set up correctly, you can re-enable conversation view in Gmail if you wish with no ill effect on the iphone.


macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 15, 2016
Warsaw, Poland
I also use Google to host my personal domain email. The only thing I found that worked for me, and I cannot explain why, is to delete the gmail account from the iphone. Then go to the gmail web interface, and in the gmail settings turn conversation view "off." Once you have done this, try rebooting the iphone and adding the gmail account again. It solved the problem of missing and out of order emails for me.

Once it's set up correctly, you can re-enable conversation view in Gmail if you wish with no ill effect on the iphone.

I'm testing that. So far, I have last two days and e-mails from 2014...
If nothing will help, I'll go for google support and will post info here.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 8, 2011
Redlands, CA
Good luck. If that doesn't resolve your issues, you may always choose to setup the gmail as an exchange account. This feature is still supported for GSuite users. It isn't a complete implementation though...if you flag emails on a phone that status won't sync to the computer and vice versa. Also, if you reply to an email from a computer, that "replied to" status doesn't sync either.


macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 15, 2016
Warsaw, Poland
Good luck. If that doesn't resolve your issues, you may always choose to setup the gmail as an exchange account. This feature is still supported for GSuite users. It isn't a complete implementation though...if you flag emails on a phone that status won't sync to the computer and vice versa. Also, if you reply to an email from a computer, that "replied to" status doesn't sync either.

I have erased my phone completely. Set up as new. Turned off conversation view in gmail.

I’m still at the end of 2015... however everyday I see its moving by a few months. Don’t know if it’s normal and maybe I should just give it some time.


macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 15, 2016
Warsaw, Poland
I've bought iPad Pro 10.5 and I have the same issue...

Since a week I'm in touch with Google Help for GSuite and after numerous calls with them, nothing helps.

Still situation like this:



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