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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 27, 2013
I am working in fish market where every day I need to deal with fish, water (sea water) and other possible dirt you can imagine in a fish market. I probably won't be able to clean and dry my hand 100% perfectly every time I use the phone, however, I will still handle with care to some extent of course. Is IP67 good enough for this purpose?
If you are going to take your phone anywhere near salt water, get a protective and waterproof case.

The salt in the air and potential salt water exposure will destroy your phone in due time.
As above. Also if I were working in an environment like that. I wouldn't get anything new and fancy. I'd just get something like a used 6S off eBay. They're pretty cheap, still work well and if it gets busted. It isn't that big of a deal.

The reason I pick a used iPhone instead of some cheap Android. You can find a nice waterproof case. Most Android phones get very few case options. Especially non-flagship models.
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