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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 6, 2017
Hi there,

As you can read from the title. The iPad 10.5 tablet is my first tablet which I ever purchased. I really wanted to use it as a main device. But I cant.
I am sad because I enjoyed it alot the first 2 weeks but nowadays I grap my Windows laptop nonstop because it does alot more faster. I am not in the mood to grap the tablet and surf the web because its slower (touchscreen vs mouse).

I only use it when im in bed before sleeping.

I really wanted to use this as a main device but its just ridicilous. A thin laptop with mouse is just way better.

Only thing what makes me enjoy the tablet is the app store.

How do you guys use it as a main device? I know I can buy a keyboard for it but I feel slow when browsing the web.

I tried RDP sessions with Windows where I can use a mouse but the graphical quality is just bad or the window(resolution) doesnt fit the entire screen which annoys me alot.

Any solution to my number1 problem?

I really want to make this my main device :( I feel like I threw away money.
Why is browsing faster with a mouse? I tap links, I scroll with a finger, I zoom with two fingers ... I don't see the speed advantage of doing these things with a mouse instead?

I can be more precisely with a mouse while being faster. If I need to google and visite alot of websites then its just way faster to use a mouse. If your working on only 1-2 websites then touchscreen woudnt be a issue.

And I found it a bit wierd to typ on the Apple keyboard and using the touchscreen at the same time.
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I am back to phone + laptop combo myself, as I also find iPad experience way too slow. The browsing experience is horrible without desktop sites (no I won't sit and request desktop sites which by the way does not always work, and I prefer safari to some third party browser - so out of luck).

When I grab my laptop, the screen is bigger with multiple angles, and everything is done so fast.

I liked iPad for many years, but gave up after buying an iPad Pro which felt just as useless for normal tasks as any other iPad (in my opinion). I hoped for development of tablets in another way than the current status of things.
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I only have a 7 plus and a 10.5 pro for my computing needs. I think it's great and I have no interest in going back to macOS. It's definitely not for everyone though so I would suggest reverting back to a laptop if you think it's a better fit for you. No reason to force yourself into using a tablet if it doesn't work for your needs.
Interesting. I have a Windows workstation with dual 24" portrait screens sitting on my desk and still tend to do a lot of my web surfing, etc., on my iPP 10.5. I do have a keyboard, though. It wouldn't be nearly as fast for me if I didn't have a keyboard.
The way I see it is if you've already been using an iPad and have become accustomed to a iPad workflow within iOS then you all love it. Yet I find a lot of PC and Mac users alike will hit a wall just idk "adjusting" to using the iPad even if it can do everything they need it to do. The poster like many others cannot do his work comfortably on the iPad. That is totally fair, I mean I feel the same way about working on a PC and even Mac to a certain extent. I find myself uncomfortable when trying to get work done on a traditional computer, everything seems clunky and multifaceted, were as on my iPad every task is simple and straight forward. I guess I just prefer the dead simplicity of iOS, and its not that I am not knowledgeable of other platforms, its simply a preference for me to be as productive and comfortable as possible. Hey Op if you could atleast switch to a MacOS based laptop, I would greatly aprreciate it :p
Sounds like it’s just muscle memory... you’re used to only interfacing with a physical keyboard and mouse. I switch between the two all day because I have to, and I find surfing between apps and multiple tabs to be just as fast - if not faster - on the iPad. The iPad is more than capable - you just have to change your way of going about things. Or don’t... perfectly viable option.

Really wish you had tried out the (or any) iPad prior to purchasing it - hate to think someone’s upset with a purchase this expensive. That’s gotta suck.

At the very least, you may be able to sell it and get pretty much all of your money back. These things are sold out down here - people want them.
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@Thaddeuz Where did you purchase? Are you past the return window?

Personally, I purchased my first iPad primarily for one task - reading manga. That was a task that it was much more suitable for than laptops.

Over the years, hardware had improved and iOS has evolved that it started to get used for more and more tasks. Easier to use the device I already had on hand than have to fire up a laptop. I didn't plan or try to make the switch from laptop to iPad. It was just something that happened naturally over a span of years (had an iPad since 2011).

I think the really helpful thing is when a lot of websites finally switched to HTML5 instead of everything relying on Flash. I actually find web browsing is faster on A8X or newer iPads than Firefox or Chrome on some HDD and Windows based computers.
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I guess its all what you're used to. I ditched my laptop several years ago, and have gone ipad only ever since. Contrary to the original poster, i find surfing the web on the ipad soooo much faster on the ipad compared to a laptop. I am so accustomed to using the ipad now that when i am on a friend's regular laptop, i keep trying to touch the screen with my finger. For me, using a mouse or trackpad is so much slower and less intuitive now. But again, i guess its all what you're used to.
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I ditched my macbook air and have been using the 10.5 as my main device. I am a grad student so i can use it to read, take notes, mark papers etc... I do have smart keyboard and pencil, which is what really makes it work for my needs. To each their own, but i find surfing to be just as fast and a more pleasant experience on the ipad.
I ditched my macbook air and have been using the 10.5 as my main device. I am a grad student so i can use it to read, take notes, mark papers etc... I do have smart keyboard and pencil, which is what really makes it work for my needs. To each their own, but i find surfing to be just as fast and a more pleasant experience on the ipad.

I Agree with the Bolded part in your post. Safari is a big part of the surfing experience as a whole and has become more stable over the years. It used to be where I used Chrome as my default browser, but now I use Safari for all my searching needs.
Hi there,

As you can read from the title. The iPad 10.5 tablet is my first tablet which I ever purchased. I really wanted to use it as a main device. But I cant.
I am sad because I enjoyed it alot the first 2 weeks but nowadays I grap my Windows laptop nonstop because it does alot more faster. I am not in the mood to grap the tablet and surf the web because its slower (touchscreen vs mouse).

I only use it when im in bed before sleeping.

I really wanted to use this as a main device but its just ridicilous. A thin laptop with mouse is just way better.

Only thing what makes me enjoy the tablet is the app store.

How do you guys use it as a main device? I know I can buy a keyboard for it but I feel slow when browsing the web.

I tried RDP sessions with Windows where I can use a mouse but the graphical quality is just bad or the window(resolution) doesnt fit the entire screen which annoys me alot.

Any solution to my number1 problem?

I really want to make this my main device :( I feel like I threw away money.
Congratulations on buying the best, most beautiful tablet there is imho.
Please first tell use what your specific use and use case is. Until we know what you would like to do on the iPad we can’t give any sane advice.
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Sounds like it’s just muscle memory... you’re used to only interfacing with a physical keyboard and mouse. I switch between the two all day because I have to, and I find surfing between apps and multiple tabs to be just as fast - if not faster - on the iPad. The iPad is more than capable - you just have to change your way of going about things. Or don’t... perfectly viable option.

Couldn’t agree more. We all got used to the keyboard mouse combo and sometimes doing things differently requires an adjustment period.

Right now, my only problem with going all out with the iPad is that sitting on a desk, I’m definitely more comfortable with a laptop. Reaching out for the iPad screen (sitting nicely on top of a keyboard) reminds me why Steve Jobs was always against touchscreens on Macs.

If I’m on a couch, airplane, in my bed, than the opposite is true. Holding an iPad becomes a joy and no matter what the task, even typing this long message with he onscreen keyboard just works better than a laptop.
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