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macrumors 601
Original poster
Sep 14, 2010
Since Macrumours won't let me post a link to a performance comparison I did on another Mac blog (not my own), I will attach my performance based comparison of here. The only reason I did post it was to help those who are on the iPad 2 work out whether or not they want to upgrade.

iOS 9 vs 8.4 versions on a backup and restore install.

Screen Shot 2015-09-17 at 10.01.01 am by oldmacs, on Flickr

iOS 9 vs iOS 8 and earlier on a clean install.

Screen Shot 2015-09-17 at 9.35.29 am by oldmacs, on Flickr
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for me it sucks badly. Sluggish and very slow.

I agree. Its slower than iOS 8 in almost every way, which I don't understand - It barely adds any new functionality so theres literally nothing that should be putting more drain on system resources.

Have you tried a clean install/settings reset? It can help.
To be honest we all know that the iPad 2 is old as a machine, but it is still more then useable. Here in Poland Siri is not working (she doesn't speak polish) so some new features of the ios9 does not work and maybe that's why iOS 9 works better on my iPad 2
To be honest we all know that the iPad 2 is old as a machine, but it is still more then useable. Here in Poland Siri is not working (she doesn't speak polish) so some new features of the ios9 does not work and maybe that's why iOS 9 works better on my iPad 2
I know it's an old machine...

Maybe I was over excited when Apple announced that the new iOS will run smoother than the previous and I was expecting it to be better than iOS 8.
For me - it's not. Only on the iPhone 4s it is running OK.
Too me it runs about the same. I feel it lags less when bringing up the keyboard and I seem to have less moments of being stuck in general when switching apps. Then again this might just be wishful thinking.
One thing that is better: wifi stability in my house has improved. I used to get frequent short wifi disconnects and hangs (only on my iPad and iphone5) and those seem to be gone now.
Bottom line is i am happy that apple supported the ipad2 for so long.
Seemed pretty good last night on mine. I've stripped my iPad down though where there are only about 15 apps now. I need to replace it but just haven't done so. Next one will probably be an Air 2.
I was expecting more to be honest. I was prepared to order an Air 3 but will be waiting longer. Some things are much better. I think threading in Safari has been improved quite a bit. Sites that used to freeze the old grey mare now load in a way that I can see some things and scroll before I could in the past.

Safari still reloads tabs to the point it's almost unusable to me on many sites I visit frequently. Several times it actually crashed completely out to the home screen. I was really hoping this one aspect would be a bit better.

Though I know it's limited to 64 bit machines, I wish the ad blockers were available on the older equipment because not having to load all those scripts and BS ads would speed them up quite bit.

Responsiveness seems better in most areas for me.

I'm no worse off than I was with 8, so that's good. And so far I see no huge drawbacks. I was just hoping for a tiny bit more efficiency with Safari and loading many sites.
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