I'll preface this with a disclaimer that I know very little about stereoscopy. I'm much more on the coding / architecture side of things and am just now getting into UX - mostly mobile.
Anyway, I was tinkering with an app (can't recall the name) that had a few of those "cross your eyes and you can see something in 3D" images.... It was mostly boring, but I was bored so it served its purpose.
My point, though, is that I happened to still have my eyes adjusted in that odd focus and brought up the keyboard on the iPad. The keys were perfectly laid out to create the illusion of depth on the keyboard. (I'm not saying the letters were correct, but the rows and frames of the keys were perfect. It seems that even the shading of the keyboard background assisted with the effect.)
It could just be a function of the gradient and perfect key layout, but could it hint at something much larger?
Give it a try yourself.... Pull up the keyboard in landscape and slowly cross your eyes until the letter to the left adjoining key covers the right. It'll take a moment, but when the keys come into focus, you can make out the distinct three levels of keys. Hmmmmmm....
Anyway, I was tinkering with an app (can't recall the name) that had a few of those "cross your eyes and you can see something in 3D" images.... It was mostly boring, but I was bored so it served its purpose.
My point, though, is that I happened to still have my eyes adjusted in that odd focus and brought up the keyboard on the iPad. The keys were perfectly laid out to create the illusion of depth on the keyboard. (I'm not saying the letters were correct, but the rows and frames of the keys were perfect. It seems that even the shading of the keyboard background assisted with the effect.)
It could just be a function of the gradient and perfect key layout, but could it hint at something much larger?
Give it a try yourself.... Pull up the keyboard in landscape and slowly cross your eyes until the letter to the left adjoining key covers the right. It'll take a moment, but when the keys come into focus, you can make out the distinct three levels of keys. Hmmmmmm....