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I believe this must be related to the email breach. I've had this email address for 2 years and use it lightly compared to my other address. This address is the one I use for my Apple things and was used to sign up for 3G service on the iPad. I just received my first piece of spam in 2 years........

Thanks AT&T !!!!!!!!!!

It has nothing to do with the email breach. Unbunch your panties.
Did they email everyone whose email address was breached?
How are we to know if our email addresses are among the list?
Spam can come from any number of sources. Some could include:

- E-mail address was stolen
- E-mail address was sold
- Mail provider spam filter not up to date
- Mail program junk mail filter not up to date
- Spam-bot sends mass e-mails out to auto generated e-mail acounts (basically guesses based on domain name)

All of these are viable reasons to start to get junk mail. You cannot blame a single incident that made it to the news as the fault. E-mail addresses probably get compromised more than you think.
Note to OP:

Don't use your email address to sign up for things unless you want spam.

1. Use a secondary email address
2. Use a fake email address (depends on the situation)
Note to OP:

Don't use your email address to sign up for things unless you want spam.

1. Use a secondary email address
2. Use a fake email address (depends on the situation)

Well I did.

I created an alias through mobile me and that's what i used. Since 2008 I never received one piece of spam. Now I receive one. I don't use this email except for apple related things and used it for my 3 G signup on the iPad.
That's why i figure it's related to that issue. Maybe not.
Considering that the list wasn't released publicly and wasn't harvested for spam purposes (there are millions of much easier ways to harvest valid email addresses), I would say very unlikely.

But this is illustrative of what people will now believe because of not understanding the breach, exactly what occurred, the motivations behind it, etc.
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