Due to a shortage of iPads in the UK i couldn't wait any longer for a 3G on order from Apple, Meadowhall, Sheffield so i opted for a 64GB Wifi with the intentions of using MiFi to connect. I didn't know much about MiFi i had only used a mobile dongle on my laptop. Anyway after about a week i purchased a Mifi and it works really well. The Hardware is £50 then i got it on Pay as you go as i dont use it that much. This has given me a saving of £30-£40 on a 3G iPad. The extra benefit is and this is the reason why i think you should opt for the MiFi is that you can connect up to 5 devices at any one time whereas with the 3G its solely to be used with the ipad. This enables me to still have my laptop and iPad connected at the same time, I must admit MiFi isnt for everyone but i just wanted to let people know that it is a good way of getting onto mobile broadband. Let me know your thoughts please.