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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 8, 2011

I have the first iPad Air with iOS 7.1.2. I also owned the original iPad and when I upgraded that one, it became slow and useless. That's why I decided to not upgrade my iPad Air 1.

However, some apps I want now requires iOS 8, so I am considering upgrading to iOS 9 (since the automatic installer in Settings takes the newest update, I guess I must upgrade to 9 instead of 8).

My question: is it worth it? Will my iPad Air become slow? Will it crash a lot due to RAM limitations?

Thanks in advance.
I'm sorry, but Swiss-G's either making up guff or hasn't the experience of using and updating an Air 1 from 7-9.2
Don't. Walk. RUN, D/L 9.2 today and you'll be amazed by the near and complete 'lack of lag' you're experiencing ...even if going unnoticed with your UI and manipulation between apps, maintaining that 60fps least feel, iOS 9 is an exceptional evolution from 7.x.x. As well as anything in the realm of iOS 8.x.x if others are holding out. I'm running 9.2 on an Air 1 & 2, iPad 4, a pair of mini second generations, as well as iPhones from the 5s to the 6s. Across the iOS lineup iOS 9.2, (9.2.1 is available, jump into the developer program, it's an excellent point update) --- regardless of the latter (pub dev), definitely enjoy your weekend with a new operating system (it's a BIG leap in soooo many tasks and refinements in areas you weren't aware there are/soon to be were rough edges;))

I've not done it in years, but are you able to back up a full 7.x.x. Image to your Mac and return if need be? There won't be a need 'but'.....

Just. Do. It!
iOS has had a few sweet builds, including 3 for the Air. And, I have a Dev account. The final builds of iOS 7 and 8 are excellent, fast, and useful - the 3rd is the first Beta of 9.2.1. I have an Air that's been a test mule for me, and I clean install firmwares and won't hesitate to DFU back to a better firmware. That written, and with respect to akdj...

Don't update to iOS 9.2. Do update when the iOS 9.2.1 update comes out - that point update is, IMHO, what iOS 9 should have been on Day 1. I own and use 4 iPads, and even my old LTE iPad 3 is nice to use with the 9.2.1B1 update. IMHO, the difference between 9.2 and 9.2.1B1 is palpable - and I keep my pipelines clear so "lag" doesn't even figure into it (cleaned-up iCloud cookies/caches, identical settings, etc.). I'm guessing that 9.2.1 should hit the interwebs soon, so, patience...

I'd use 9.2.1 over 7.1.2 on my Air or iPad 3, any day. FWIW, my other iPads are an Air 2 and Pro, and I still pick up my iPad 3...
iOS has had a few sweet builds, including 3 for the Air. And, I have a Dev account. The final builds of iOS 7 and 8 are excellent, fast, and useful - the 3rd is the first Beta of 9.2.1. I have an Air that's been a test mule for me, and I clean install firmwares and won't hesitate to DFU back to a better firmware. That written, and with respect to akdj...

Don't update to iOS 9.2. Do update when the iOS 9.2.1 update comes out - that point update is, IMHO, what iOS 9 should have been on Day 1. I own and use 4 iPads, and even my old LTE iPad 3 is nice to use with the 9.2.1B1 update. IMHO, the difference between 9.2 and 9.2.1B1 is palpable - and I keep my pipelines clear so "lag" doesn't even figure into it (cleaned-up iCloud cookies/caches, identical settings, etc.). I'm guessing that 9.2.1 should hit the interwebs soon, so, patience...

I'd use 9.2.1 over 7.1.2 on my Air or iPad 3, any day. FWIW, my other iPads are an Air 2 and Pro, and I still pick up my iPad 3...
What's the difference between 9.2 and 9.2.1?
What's the difference between 9.2 and 9.2.1?
IMHO, it's smoother, more compatible with some of my side-loaded apps (I own 3 Exchange/Sharepoint Servers alongside the normal "iCloud" stuff), and seems less buggy. On 9.2, using Siri I call my business partner using the voice string "call Dan at work on speaker" and I'm prompted for "which number" with iPhone/work/home options and then have to manually enable the Speaker option, while 9.2.1 calls the correct number and enables the speakerphone option.

I installed the newest beta, then gave the devices time to acclimate (Spotlight, and the ilk...).

9.2.1 still isn't choosing the right winning Powerball numbers, but I'm patient...

If you're wondering, we use both Skype and Skype for Business.
I'm sorry, but Swiss-G's either making up guff or hasn't the experience of using and updating an Air 1 from 7-9.2

Not making anything up. iOS 9.2 lags on the air period.

I've not done it in years, but are you able to back up a full 7.x.x. Image to your Mac and return if need be? There won't be a need 'but'.....

Just. Do. It!

Apple no longer signs iOS 7 (with exception of the iPhone 4) so not possible to revert without jail breaking.
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