Well, the problem is, that after my ipads battery ran totally empty, it wont charge anymore or does it wery slowly. The cable and power brick, that i have used (both originals), won't be recognized. It only starts charging after hard reset (power+home button pressed). Even then the charging proccess is very slow and after some time charging (lets say 25%) it will drown very quickly and attaching the power cable again, it won't start charging again (even the charging icon won't appear), only after hard reset. I also tried to charge it via my mac, but does'nt work.
What that means? New iPad? (I have used it 2-3 months, almost new) or should try the warrenty?
PS! At the moment, 20 minutes light usage and 15% battery drowning. Newer had this issue again, having many iphones and ipads.
What that means? New iPad? (I have used it 2-3 months, almost new) or should try the warrenty?
PS! At the moment, 20 minutes light usage and 15% battery drowning. Newer had this issue again, having many iphones and ipads.