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macrumors member
Original poster
May 23, 2020
For like the past year or so, my iPad Air 2 has experienced some charging issues, which have recently become worse.

If I unplug my iPad and the battery drains some, and then I plug it in to charge, it has not been charging right away. For instance, I might watch a movie before going to bed, and use my iPad while watching the show. Depending on how long I use it during the day, it might go down to 80%, 75%, 70%, 60%, 50%, 23%, etc. I then plug it in before going to bed. iPad will make the connection noise when I plug it in. I then get up in the morning, and the iPad is still at the exact same percentage it was when I plugged it in the night before.

At first it used to keep that percentage for an hour or so after I got up, and then begin to charge normally. It would charge fully usually by noon or so.

Over the Past week or so, it has been taking longer to fully charge. For example, one day I had had it plugged in all day, and it never reached 100% charge. However, in the evening I unplugged it and used it, and the battery got down to 23%. I then plugged it in before going to bed. I think when I got up the next morning it was at 24%. It stayed at 24% for a few hours, then it would very slowly start to charge. A couple hours later it was like 27%. Then in the evening it was at 49%. It was still at 49% when I went to bed that night. It was at 49% for most of the next day, then slowly increaesEd in charge. I cannot remember if it fully charged before I went to bed that night, or if it took another night and part of another day to reach 100%.

The day before yesterday, I had used it some and gotten it down to 80%. I plugged it in to see if it would charge. It would not for a long time, and actually started losing a few percentages of charge. It was around 78% charged for most of the day, then finally charged back to 100% in the evening.

This reminds me a little of my phone’s battery optimization thing, but it does not take over 24 hours to charge the thing. Does anyone know if there is some kind of hidden battery optimization thing for iPads that would cause this kind of charging behavior, or is this likely some other issue?

Has anyone ever experienced charging behavior similar to this?


macrumors 6502a
Jun 17, 2014
Have you checked it out at the Apple store in your area (Apple Support). Sounds like a battery fault or a lightning female port issue?

hopefully though someone from Apple Suppory can do some diagnosis check on the iPad


macrumors member
Original poster
May 23, 2020
Have you checked it out at the Apple store in your area (Apple Support). Sounds like a battery fault or a lightning female port issue?

hopefully though someone from Apple Suppory can do some diagnosis check on the iPad
The closest Apple store to me is an hour or so away.

I have not physically gone there, but I did the chat on Apple’s website. A person I talked to on the chat was able to run a diagnostic test on my iPad, and said everything on that test looked really good.

I do not know what all that diagnostic test does, or what all it tests.

The person had me factory reset it to see if that would solve the problem. It did not.

The person then said I could take it to the Apple Store or to Best Buy and set up an appointment. The only problem with that is I do not know if they can fix the iPad, and how much it would cost. I have never had to get it repaired before. Yes, it is definitely out of warranty.

This was my first and only iPad, and I have really liked it. i have had no other problems with it other than this charging issue. :(


macrumors 6502a
Oct 11, 2020
Lso Angeles
My iPad has charging issues too, but I use a 3rd party magnetic cable. I suggest you go on eBay and buy yourself a $2 usb tester, then you can confirm that the iPad is actually drawing power. When mine shows .84v, I know for sure it's charging


macrumors newbie
Oct 20, 2019
Sydney Australia
It won't hurt to see what Coconut Battery thinks about your iPad's battery. This is a macOS app so you'll need access to a Mac to use it.

coconutBattery 3

If it thinks that the battery is worn out then you *might* be able to solve the problem by buying a replacement and replacing it yourself if you're so inclined. I've replaced batteries myself in an iPhone and it is reasonably straight forward if you follow youtube videos and don't mind handling delicate electronics. I doubt you could buy a genuine Apple battery as a replacement (the Apple Store will have them but they won't sell them to you because they want to do the replacement service themselves) so you'd be looking at a third party battery if you want to DIY.

In any case, I hope this narrows down the list of possible causes for you. Best of luck.


macrumors member
Original poster
May 23, 2020
Does coconut battery say a battery is worn out? I will check later this morning on coconut battery. I tried using it the other day, but did not understand the results. I will post them here so that others can interpret.


macrumors newbie
Oct 22, 2020
I‘m experiencing the exact issue you describe, except on an iPad Pro 1st Gen. It began several months ago, lasted for about a week, and then went back to normal for the most part. It’s just begun again after the device was updated to IOS 14.1 (from 13.7). Like you, I’ve wondered if it might be related to the optimization function seen on iPhones.


macrumors member
Original poster
May 23, 2020
ugh. I connected the ipad to the computer, and it says access is denied because I have to trust the computer on my iOS device. No message about allowing it came up on my ipad. I guess I need to restart both devices


macrumors member
Original poster
May 23, 2020
Ok. Here are the results. As I said before, I do not know how to interpret them:
Model: ipad5,3
manufacture date: 2016-08-22
ios version: 14.0.1

current charge: 4915 mAh
full charge capacity: 6273 mAh
Design capacity
Manufacture date 2016-07-18
Cycle count: 424
Temperature: 28.7 C
Discharge with 0.18 watts

Battery info
Age: 1,557 days

It has moved up 1% in charge since This morning. It has been holding a 91% charge for hours while being plugged in with the green battery charge symbol.


macrumors newbie
Oct 20, 2019
Sydney Australia
It looks like your battery capacity is still pretty good (of course it's not as good as when new) but it can still hold a decent amount of charge (if you believe the figures are accurate).

I think you need to keep an open mind about the possible causes of your charging problem:

- it could still be the battery; maybe not its capacity but perhaps the ability of its cells to hold charge is degraded
- it could be the charger is faulty - perhaps try a different charger. If this resolves the problem then changing the charger is an easy fix
- it could be the iPad's electronics which causes the charging to be erratic
- could it be software on the iPad which is a bit power hungry (maybe it talks to the network too much?) and is subtly draining the battery without you realising it?
- if you're charging from an AC outlet, maybe the outlet doesn't like your charger? Try a different outlet maybe in a different room?

Sometimes you'll have to try several things to eliminate possible causes and narrow it down. Best of luck.


macrumors member
Original poster
May 23, 2020
It looks like your battery capacity is still pretty good (of course it's not as good as when new) but it can still hold a decent amount of charge (if you believe the figures are accurate).

I think you need to keep an open mind about the possible causes of your charging problem:

- it could still be the battery; maybe not its capacity but perhaps the ability of its cells to hold charge is degraded
- it could be the charger is faulty - perhaps try a different charger. If this resolves the problem then changing the charger is an easy fix
- it could be the iPad's electronics which causes the charging to be erratic
- could it be software on the iPad which is a bit power hungry (maybe it talks to the network too much?) and is subtly draining the battery without you realising it?
- if you're charging from an AC outlet, maybe the outlet doesn't like your charger? Try a different outlet maybe in a different room?

Sometimes you'll have to try several things to eliminate possible causes and narrow it down. Best of luck.
It can still hold a charge. It drains normally, not all at once. It just takes forever for it to charge.

I have tried changing the charger. However, it is possible that the surge protector I was using last year could have damaged all 3 wall chargers I had tested. Switching to a different outlet in that charger seemed to work for awhile when the problem was fairly new. Then I got a new surge protector, and the problem has continued.

As soon as a new surge protector that I ordered arrives for downstairs, I will try testing it for a longer period of time on a charger that had never been used on the Staples brand surge protector. Maybe the Staples brand surge protector had ruined all 3 wall chargers.

My friend has an appointment with Best Buy regarding repair to her phone. She has asked me to go with her, so I will bring my iPad along. They can look it over and tell me if they can figure out what is wrong.

Again, the problem is not that the battery is draining; it is only that it takes forever to charge.

Thanks for replying. Hopefully a solution will be found.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 11, 2020
Lso Angeles
It can still hold a charge. It drains normally, not all at once. It just takes forever for it to charge.

I have tried changing the charger. However, it is possible that the surge protector I was using last year could have damaged all 3 wall chargers I had tested. Switching to a different outlet in that charger seemed to work for awhile when the problem was fairly new. Then I got a new surge protector, and the problem has continued.

As soon as a new surge protector that I ordered arrives for downstairs, I will try testing it for a longer period of time on a charger that had never been used on the Staples brand surge protector. Maybe the Staples brand surge protector had ruined all 3 wall chargers.

My friend has an appointment with Best Buy regarding repair to her phone. She has asked me to go with her, so I will bring my iPad along. They can look it over and tell me if they can figure out what is wrong.

Again, the problem is not that the battery is draining; it is only that it takes forever to charge.

Thanks for replying. Hopefully a solution will be found.
Contacts on cables do wear out, have you check that? Happened to me


macrumors member
Original poster
May 23, 2020
Seems you've eliminated all but the iPad's internal charging circuitry. Damn shame because the Air2 still walks very tall, it's a testament to good design/manufacturer and decent software upgrade policy.
Agreed. :(. It works very well except for the long charging times :(
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