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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 22, 2017
Hi all. Will keep this brief. went to update latest iPad download. IPAD restarted and the loading line under the apple logo nearly reached the end - then it just hung there for hours - and hours! I did a hard reset, it restarted and said press home to update. On pressing home, it asks for my 4 digit number, and once I enter that, it goes back to starting the loading line, and hangs/freezes again when it is near the end.

I have been at this for 2 days. I have let the battery drain, and recharged it - this made no difference. I have tried connecting to MacBook and iTunes, but again, it won't allow iTunes to recognise it, as it is stuck on this loop. I have looked online at various options, none of which are working.

ANY help would be really appreciated.

Thanks in advance, Gary.
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