Long story short, a couple months ago I upgraded my IMac G5 Power PC to Snow Leapord and purchased a 32 gb Ipad. The computer chugged and was absolutely a bear to use. It seriously ran like a netbook where the fan would run constantly. I was beyond annoyed with the spinning rainbow circle. Well, I recently sold my Ipad and downgraded the IMac to it's original OS. It flies now and runs like it's brand new.
I'm having major sellers remorse regarding my Ipad. I'm thinking of repurchasing one soon, however am wondering do I necessarily need a compatible IMac or PC if I don't intend to load music or photos? When I owned my Ipad, I used it mainly for email, web browsing, Netflix, etc. I can simply have an Apple store rep connect me and I'd be off and running, correct? I guess the only thing I'd be missing is if I wanted to update the OS. Am I missing anything else?
I'm having major sellers remorse regarding my Ipad. I'm thinking of repurchasing one soon, however am wondering do I necessarily need a compatible IMac or PC if I don't intend to load music or photos? When I owned my Ipad, I used it mainly for email, web browsing, Netflix, etc. I can simply have an Apple store rep connect me and I'd be off and running, correct? I guess the only thing I'd be missing is if I wanted to update the OS. Am I missing anything else?