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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 10, 2009

Is there anyone reading these forums that is actually able to -set up- a new location based reminder on their iPad.

I have an iPad 3 64gb LTE and am unable to set up a new reminder with geofencing. Not through Siri, not manually, and I am certain it was supposed to work on iOS6, so now I'm looking for someone that actually can do it.

That's a feature only available on the iPhone, i also have a ipad 4g/lte and geotagged reminders never worked for me!
This is ******** because in the iOS6 keynote in the upper left hand corner at 1:47:17 you can see Scott Forstall presenting a slide that says location-based reminders is coming to iPads.
Apparently it is working now on my iPad 4 on iOS 6.0.1. Does anyone have an iPad 3 to confirm?

Also interested if Mini with cellular can do this.
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On iPad3 with cellular is doesn't work :confused:, called Apple service and they confirmed that it does not work with this iPad, and there was no data on its compatibility with future iOS releases :eek:, "we are sorry for the Keynote mistake, but this iPad is not supported !!" :mad:
That's idiotic of Apple.

I see it with reminders on the iPhone and Mac.

Doesn't show up on iPad. Dumb.
Apparently only iPad 4 + Cellular and iPad Mini + Cellular have location-based reminders working.

I see no technical reason why it can't be backported to iPad 1/2/3, must be Apple and its' forced obsolescence again. :rolleyes:

At least Android users get fixes like this. Been debating whether to get the Nexus 10, seems like I have till January to decide due to Apple's holiday return policy :D
Using Siri on iPad Mini:

Sorry. I can't create location-based reminders on this device.

I assume this is a WiFi-only mini? Obviously none of the WiFi only devices would work because location-based reminders require the use of cellular tower and/or GPS to tell if you've entered/left your geofenced location.
I assume this is a WiFi-only mini? Obviously none of the WiFi only devices would work because location-based reminders require the use of cellular tower and/or GPS to tell if you've entered/left your geofenced location.

Yeah, but it's still silly.

If I can enter location on my Mac, why can't I with my iPad.

The iPad can use wifi location. Reminders do sync to iCloud and thus to my iPhone.

Apple is dumb to remove it from the iPad wifi only.
Apple is even dumber not to support it on the still 'new iPad'.

I always liked about Apple that they even support my 3GS with the newest iOS-versions, but if this is the way Apple goes on about Featurereduction/-restriction to get people to upgrade... Sorry, then they need to make some offers for upgrading for people that got their 3 half a year ago.

Disappointed, to be honest. And I just ordered an iPhone 5. Will now consider cancelling that, if this is the policy.
Works for me

For what it's worth...
I can create location-based reminders both thru Siri and manually -- on both my iPad 2 and iPad Mini. Both are equipped with cellular service and I've had no trouble at all.
iPad mini and iPad 3rd gen

Hi, just a though here. I was quite disappointed when i saw my ipad 3rd gen didn't have location based reminders and was reminded about it when I saw my wife's iPad mini did have them. They are both LTE versions (replacing our cell phones :) ).

One thing I did notice where there is a difference. The iPad mini (and I assume the iPad 4th gen) is using iOS 6.0.2, which is the latest iTunes will grab for it, but my 3rd gen iPad is using iOS 6.0.1, which is the latest iTunes will grab for that device. Now, I know they will continue to upgrade iOS for the 3rd gen iPad as most everything in iOS still works for the 2nd gen and the now not new 3rd gen is not so "not new" anyway with this ridiculous refresh cycle - congrats to you who could wait.

Does anyone have access to iOS 6.0.2 or higher as a developer on a 3rd gen iPad? Or is my iPad just update deficient?
Just as a follow up here

Turns out the iOS update changed nothing. My wife can use her iPad mini for location based reminders, but my iPad wont. I also talked with apple support and the higher up folks said the iPad mini was able to use these reminders because it was designed to be more mobile like the iPhone (though I don't see why the iPad is not considered mobile). As for the comment about the iPad 2, apparently location-based reminders will work on a full-size iPad if created on one of the smaller devices. I would like to hear more if this is not found to be the case.

On another note, the more people that submit feedback to under iPad and a feature request, the more likely they are to flip the switch for the iPad on this. Here's to hoping for my iPad.
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