I didn't get it only because i baby the hell out of my technology. Give me a nice case and im set. On a side note however I bought my iPad with Amex and im fairly certain they cover purchases on certain intems bought with their credit cards.
That's a good point, nowhere does it say that you have to buy it right away. If things come up, then it may be worth investing in one.
Like someone else said above, I ordered mine with my Amex, they typically double the manufacturer's warranty automatically. Check with your CC company and see if they do the same for your purchases. Should something happen, you take the iPad for repair, pay for it with the same card and then fax the repair bill to the CC folks and they'll credit you for that amount. A bit of a hassle, but it saves you $99.
Yes, I'm getting it before my current warranty expires. Did the same with my iPhone and glad I did. I had problems and just got a replacement from Apple not too long ago