I'm new here and not sure if this has been discussed before but backing up my iPad before it sync's takes HOURS. Does anybody have a fix? Is it possible to do an incremental or do you have to do a full back up every time?
I'm new here and not sure if this has been discussed before but backing up my iPad before it sync's takes HOURS. Does anybody have a fix? Is it possible to do an incremental or do you have to do a full back up every time?
Ok, I have a Win7 64bit quad processor QX9650 with 4GB of RAM. USB 2.0. My backup takes HOURS.
Have you ever completely finished a backup? Have subsequent backups taken longer than the first?
Ok, I have a Win7 64bit quad processor QX9650 with 4GB of RAM. USB 2.0. My backup takes HOURS.
I think you may need a new computer? My 7yr old Dell would take "forever" to back up, sync, update etc in iTunes for my Touch but my MBP and iMac get it done 'lickity split'
Nope does the same thing on my 2009 octocore Mac Pro.
This is the same bug that used to exist for the iPhone and then was fixed.
Hope the iPad gets a fix soon because it is a PITA.
Not sure why you'd be having that issue when backing up. I just synced and backed up my iPad and it took no more than a couple minutes. I have about 45gb of data on my 64gb iPad.