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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jun 23, 2009
Here's the problem. I bought the iPad 3G because I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I bought the wifi only model. My roommate on the other hand bought the wifi only model knowing we had no wifi at home(dumb ass). I specifically told him he was going to be disappointed. He bought it anyway(***hole). Now he's always trying to use mine. It's pissing me off at a high level. He's started the "your stingy and your obsessed with the iPad" chants. I respond with a solid "I know!!" What should I do?!! Maybe I should tie him up in the basement, sell his iPad and use the money to buy really expensive apps for mine! Where's that damn rope?!!!!:D
Here's the problem. I bought the iPad 3G because I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I bought the wifi only model. My roommate on the other hand bought the wifi only model knowing we had no wifi at home(dumb ass). I specifically told him he was going to be disappointed. He bought it anyway(***hole). Now he's always trying to use mine. It's pissing me off at a high level. He's started the "your stingy and your obsessed with the iPad" chants. I respond with a solid "I know!!" What should I do?!! Maybe I should tie him up in the basement, sell his iPad and use the money to buy really expensive apps for mine! Where's that damn rope?!!!!:D

Hahahaha. Honestly, your first problem was letting him use your 3G in the first place. iPad's are for individual use. :). Tell him you don't want him to use your iPad anymore and put a passcode lock on it.
I think the argument of "my money paid for the one that's in my hand, so it doesn't belong to you and it's not your property" should be sufficient. Now if you are generous and let them borrow it on occasion, then that's nice of you, but shouldn't expected.
It is not the iPad's fault. The situation only exposes his true character.

End the relationship/friendship. Get another roommate.
This sounds like life presenting you with an excellent opportunity to learn how to set boundaries.

If you don't learn to say 'no' to people, they'll walk all over you for the rest of your life. And once you say 'no', they usually figure out how to resolve their issue on their own.
Unless you completely lack internet access at home, just buy a WiFi router. It will cost you less then $50 and drasticly improve both of your iPad experiences.
Dude I am. This is what happens when u move in with someone who knows nothing about apple products and buys an iPad just because u did.
Tell him if he'll pay for the $10 for the app and split the 3G bill (assuming unlimited data) then you'll install MiWi and broadcast a network for him.
Just jailbreak use cydia and download mywi and then you can tether him and use yours to, also have him pay half your data bill.
Tell him to get Wi-Fi. I pay $19.95 a month for cable internet and a wireless router can be bought for around $20.

I also have the unlimited 3G plan because I take my iPad everywhere I go but use Wi-Fi at home because it is much faster.
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