Looking to get a 3G iPad but is it worth it, or do I just get another WiFi model and tether my ip4, or can you even do that???
To the best of my knowledge you CAN NOT tether your iPhone 4 to your iPad, and that's going to be expensive anyway.
You're only referring to non-jailbroken devices, i assume. If you're jailbroken you iphone can easily be turned into a wifi hotspot, i do it daily.
Oh, and bear in mind it's probably against AT&T's T&C's to tether your iPhone without one of their 'special' data packages.
He never said he wants to jailbreak it.. So hence my response.
He never said he *didn't* want to jailbreak, either.![]()
I have an iPad 3G 64GB.
IMHO, you can never have too much storage capacity, plus having 3G access is wonderful.
On a side note, I purchased my iPad through SoftBank Japan with a 2 year data plan contract. I am happy to say that I was able to use an AT&T micro-SIM while traveling in the US with out JailBreaking.
I beg to differ.I went with the 16 GB iPad without UMTS/3G for a few simple reasons:<snip>
you cannot copy and paste between apps and apps cannot share the same files because there is no common file system.
I went with the 16 GB iPad without UMTS/3G for a few simple reasons:
- The iPad is not meant to be your main storage device. That's what your Mac/PC is there for. If you want to watch a video on it, you'll copy it to the iPad, watch it and then delete it. Period. You'll probably won't be using it as your mp3 player either. Why? Because there is this thing called iPhone in your pocket. That leaves eBooks, and an eBook is smaller than your typical mp3 file. So unless you want to carry around the Library of Congress, you won't need much storage for that either.
- The iPad is not the mobile device everybody seems to believe it is. You'll use it mostly in bed, on the toilet and as a reading device in your living room or on your desk. You won't take it in the park with you because its display sucks in bright daylight and you'll be afraid that somebody might steal it from you. It's also just to big. For outside reading, buy a Kindle. You still have your iPhone for the rest.
- The iPad will also not replace your notebook. It sucks for writing unless you use an external keyboard, you cannot copy and paste between apps and apps cannot share the same files because there is no common file system. This quickly kills the iPad-as-a-notebook-replacement dream.
So what is the iPad? With its limited hardware and restricted operating system, it's basically only a (semi-)mobile surf board, eBook reader and game console - that's what it can do quite well. For everything else, the software is just too restricted to make it really useful.
I have a 64MB 3G Wifi and actually just got rid of my iPhone 3GS. I discovered I can pretty much do everything I need (including text) on my iPad so why have two data contracts? I have even embraced the Murse. LOL
Why do you say that?That's just non sense.
He never said he wants to jailbreak it.. So hence my response.
Oh, and bear in mind it's probably against AT&T's T&C's to tether your iPhone without one of their 'special' data packages.