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Daniel B

macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 23, 2010

As presented in the keynote, iPad is a companion device. A PC or Mac with iTunes is required to sync and backup media, documents etc.

Yet, with iWork (and external keyboard), it would cover many people's home computing needs, and compete more directly with netbooks.

For example, think about someone looking to replace their old or broken computer. Buying the iPad and a new computer would be a tough sell.

We know that Apple's building a huge data center (in NC). Could it be that they are planning to offer cloud syncing (MobileMe)? Possibly as a major feature in iPhone OS 4.0, before the iPad launch.

Or, if Apple would update (new software) the Apple TV to run iTunes. It would then make a great companion, connected to a big-screen TV or video projector.

What do you think?


I've speculated about this many times here, and in my blog. I do believe it's a natural progression. The iPad has an 802.11n radio, there's the data center as you said (all dressed up with no place to go...) and simply the way of things going forward.

There's also the question of updating the OS without a host computer. That's a choice by Apple, not a technical limitation of any kind. It's 100% feasible, Apple simply has to make it so.

But you raise what may be the main issue: cannibalizing iMac/MBP sales.

I'm already intending to use my iPad as my primary computer without these other abilities. Once offered, I suspect many many many more would join me in my choice...
I look forward to seeing how that works out, on your blog. I take it that you will get the iPad ASAP. Are you in the US?

How do you intend to put your music collection on the iPad (without iTunes sync)?


Hi Daniel,

I'm getting the 64GB + 3G version, so will have to wait for the 3G models to ship. And yup I'll pre-order as soon as they allow it (and yes I'm in the US).

As for media, I currently have what I usually refer to as my "household iMac" - it's basically a central storage hub/server for media. All our family photos, music, and other media live on it. It's where we sync our iPhones currently, and we also use it to stream music to the house vie air tunes. Other than that it does not get any use per se.

My primary computer today is an MBP. It's 3.5 years old so I was looking to replace it with something in any case. I've progressively learned the benefits of lighter weight, and now have a super-tight understanding of my needs/wants. The iPad will do just fine for me out of the box, and will only dramatically improve over time as a platform as I see it...

iPad / cloud

I am going to try and use a very basic iPad as my mobile computer for a bit, to see how well it works. I work in law and am often away from home for reasonably long periods, so the iMac etc. at home will be idle.
I will be wholly reliant on MobileMe and cloud computing for a bit. I have built up a decent library of cases/information and all previous work on MM.
The only real issues I can see are (prior to trying this out):
1. Which keyboard? The keyboard dock seems the best (?portable) - if I got the Apple BT keyboard, which looks better, I'd need to dock the ipad. On the other hand, I [will] have the case as a stand.
2. Adobe PDFs - how accessible will they be?
3. What is the best programme to scan into and be able to navigate about easily (e.g. when on my feet in court and making a speech?) Any ideas? Adobe PDFs would be great, if you could easily highlight and put tabs down the side for navigation.
4. Printing is an issue. But, it is easy enough to email the doc to someone and ask them to print it. In fact, in most hotels or offices, this is the easiest way.
Has anyone got decent experience of using the iPad in a business context that can give me some advice/tips?


[the big question is - given that portability is an issue - will this replace my MB Air?]
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