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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 8, 2010
As you see there are already several iPad competitors and next time will be more and more things like this.

You also see that iPad has some disadvantage like single-threaded, no Flash, no USB connection ect.

In your opinion, which of the competitor would be considered as the most dangerous for iPad?

In my opinion, the on-going Microsoft Courier is one of them.
The Courier has not been released yet, and all we have to go on are some fancy mock-ups, but not the actual device.

Which other iPad rivals are there?
I don't see any viable competitors out there right now. Sure, there are devices that look like the iPad, but they don't have the same user interface or ecosystem. The avg. iPad buyer wants simplicity which none of the existing tablets offer, and why they've failed as a big consumer product.

I don't think Flash is going to be a huge issue as sites are already encoding video for the iPhone. When you have 42+ Million iPhones in the wild + 20 Million Touches + and est 6-10 million iPads coming on-line, serious webmasters cannot ignore this segment anymore. They will have to either dump Flash or make "i" friendly full sites.

Lets not forget it wasn't too long ago when RealPlayer was the defacto standard, and not truly supported on the Mac. Did that doom the Mac? Of course not. So far it does not seem that the lack of Flash has hurt iPhone or Touch sales either.

USB - Not entirely sure why this is a "must have" for the avg. consumer. You can sync via Wi-Fi or the Dock Connector. There is also a camera connection kit if you really want to offload pics directly from your camera.

Multitask - I'm sure Apple will get to this, just as it did with the Mac. You can multitask some things like music. Other stuff will come along when its ripe.
I don't see the courier as a competitor, the ipad is a media device that can do some other stuff. The courier is designed almost exclusively for specific business users. They can live happily next to each other and I can see people that will own both of them.

As to other competitors, we've already seen some mock-ups, but the real interesting devices would come out soon with what I believe would be a revised Android OS. Like the ipad they would be able to run all Android apps, and will have multi-tasking (like all Android devices), maybe even in a form of side by side windows. Considering the possibilities, making it an ipad plus all the missing stuff everybody bash the ipad for (flash 10.1, camera, etc..), I think that if google and their partners would act fast enough, the ipad won't see the success of the ipod/iphone.

You could say that I'm wrong and that even with decent Android phones, the iphone is still the strongest phone in the market, but remember that a tablet is not a phone. It has other uses that could benefit a lot from the missing stuff, and they could be the deal breaker for many users.

The near future is interesting, can't wait to see what they would come up with.
In your opinion, which of the competitor would be considered as the most dangerous for our iPad?

Dangerous? As if - heaven forbid - there's another product that competes? Really? Dangerous?

Again - I like my Apple products and have several - but the concern and worship of these devices by some is a little scary. "for our iPad" Our? really?

Clearly you're going to buy an iPad or have interest. And that's great. Stop worrying about anyone or anything else. Enjoy your iPad. Who cares if it's the best device or even the worst device as long as YOU enjoy it.
I'd say Google. Even though nothing will come from them until next year. They have a good brand standing and i think the Google phone will just get better.
The courier from MS is interesting, i'm just not sold on the concept yet.
I'm getting the vibe, that the OP is just promoting her/his blog.

A similar post has been made in another thread.
Which post you are mentioning?

I love Apple's products, that's why I make my personal blog about iPad. I want to talk about Apple's that why I come here. I think there is nothing wrong if I can both share my interest and get you guys to visit my blog in a right way (a link at my signature, lots of other people do this way).

Anyway, if you (the moderators) also think I open this thread only to promote my blog, just delete this thread. Thanks!
I don't see any viable competitors out there right now. Sure, there are devices that look like the iPad, but they don't have the same user interface or ecosystem.
Agree with you about red points. Most of people who are familiar with iPhone, iPod, iMac, Macbook... will easyly get used with iPad. They can also (hopefully) find necessary apps for iPad, too.
Agree with you about red points. Most of people who are familiar with iPhone, iPod, iMac, Macbook... will easyly get used with iPad. They can also (hopefully) find necessary apps for iPad, too.

You guys are funny. If something came even close to the iPad's "ecosystem" or "interface" you would just write them off as copycats or some other phrasing to imply they are just knockoffs

If some product comes along and is different but has a great interface and is building or has an great ecosystem, you would just write them off as not really competitors - or you would point out every fault in the device

Yet when someone dares to find fault with the iPad or Apple's ecosystem/interface some of you turn a blind eye.

It's a lovely "social" experiment going on here at MR
You guys are funny. If something came even close to the iPad's "ecosystem" or "interface" you would just write them off as copycats or some other phrasing to imply they are just knockoffs

If some product comes along and is different but has a great interface and is building or has an great ecosystem, you would just write them off as not really competitors - or you would point out every fault in the device

Yet when someone dares to find fault with the iPad or Apple's ecosystem/interface some of you turn a blind eye.

It's a lovely "social" experiment going on here at MR
If your girl friend is using Windows, ask her to change to Mac.
If she is using Mac, then ask her to do something using PC.

Then, you'll see what I mention here about ecosystem and user interface.
If your girl friend is using Windows, ask her to change to Mac.
If she is using Mac, then ask her to do something using PC.

Then, you see what I mention here about ecosystem and user interface.

What does your post have anything to do with mine?

If your girlfriend is making a pie, ask her to make a cookie

If she's making a cookie - ask her to make a pie

Then you'll see how different cookies and pies are
You mean who is playing for #2?

As you see there are already several iPad competitors and next time will be more and more things like this.
In your opinion, which of the competitor would be considered as the most dangerous for our iPad?

I gathered a list of most of them here:

IMO to be a competitor it has to be playing in roughly the same space, a big home oriented tablet. With the backing of a big player with solid SW/HW capabilities, not some previous non existent company trying to cash in on the latest thing.

Courier whenever it gets beyond the computer render stage is not playing in the same space at all. It may have some success if it ever comes to market but it won't really be at the expense of the ipad.

Notion Ink actually looks like crap most of the time. I think it is small consolation that it can do the backlight off sunlight reading trick if it generally has a quite terrible looking screen that is always fading changing.

If I were placing a bet who would be #2 tablet by years end, my bet would be on HP. They have a long history building convertibles and also providing software to improve the touch experience over windows. Reportedly been working on bringing a pure tablet to market for 5 years. IMO they will the most competitive design by year end.
As you see there are already several iPad competitors and next time will be more and more things like this.

You also see that iPad has some disadvantage like single-threaded, no Flash, no USD connection ect.

In your opinion, which of the competitor would be considered as the most dangerous for our iPad?

In my opinion, the on-going Microsoft Courier is one of them.

There is nothing on the market, or that has been showen to the public at the same level as the iPad. The only competition that is out right now are the Amazon , Barns and Nobole; and Sony E-Readers with are really an Apple and Oranges comparison
Yes,that is a serious piece of hardware.This thing has everything we would have wanted on the iPad camera,2 speakers,mic,sd card HDMI & camera.

The iPad has a mic. It's listed on the tech spec pages.

Anyway, I think the two biggest iPad competitors are the Kindle and the iPod touch. The Kindle is cheaper (non-DX model), a good eBook reader, has an app store coming and will be better for some people. The touch does almost everything an iPad does, is cheaper and fits in your pocket. People on the fence about the iPad might decide the touch is 'good enough'.
LOL! "our" iPad??? did you build it? have you got skin in the game? "dangerous"? what an odd choice of words...
OK man I editted my post to remove "our". I think we come here (iPad dicussion box) are mostly iPad lovers so I put "our" to get us closer, but I found that some of you have nothing to say rather than spoiling my words.

Btw, I am a non-native English speaker.
OK man I editted my post to remove "our". I think we come here (iPad dicussion box) are mostly iPad lovers so I put "our" to get us closer, but I found that some of you have nothing to say rather than spoiling my word.

Btw, I am a non-native English speaker.

I wholeheartedly concur with your usage of "our." I find nothing objectionable about it. It's like saying "our team" when you're a Giants or Yankees or Man U fan and whatnot. Everyone knows we don't own it, we don't play on it, but saying "our" is a naturally endearing way of expressing such a thing.
I wholeheartedly concur with your usage of "our." I find nothing objectionable about it. It's like saying "our team" when you're a Giants or Yankees or Man U fan and whatnot. Everyone knows we don't own it, we don't play on it, but saying "our" is a naturally endearing way of expressing such a thing.

who said it was "objectionable"??? certainly not me. I just found the whole tone of the OP's post to be odd--due to the use of the words--"our ipad" AND "dangerous". I never said either were objectionable. Rudeness on the forum is objectionable. right??
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