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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 17, 2010
I've using he iPad for over a month and I've been thinking about getting a pair of Bluetooth speakers for movies and music. Then an idea came - is it possible to connect the iPad to the speakers on my desktop computer such that the iPad sees them as Bluetooth speakers? I'm guessing there's an app on the computer side for that. :apple:
U have a few options depending on your needs.

One would be to download apples free "remote" app that will control iTunes on your computer through wifi, which you can leave attached to your speakers. (def available for iPhone, imagine should be available for iPad)

if you want your speakers in a different room/place to your computer get an airport express and plug your speakers into it. You can then play music in iTunes wirelessly from your computer, which can in turn also be controlled by your iPad via the previously mentioned remote app. The wireless music is however limited to just music through iTunes.

The next option extends on the standard capabilities of the apples airport express allowing you to stream audio from a sources other than iTunes. Haven't checked the feature set in ages but I believe they've entered the app store and might offer something you need.
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liamwillib said:
U have a few options depending on your needs.

One would be to download apples free "remote" app that will control iTunes on your computer through wifi, which you can leave attached to your speakers. (def available for iPhone, imagine should be available for iPad)

if you want your speakers in a different room/place to your computer get an airport express and plug your speakers into it. You can then play music in iTunes wirelessly from your computer, which can in turn also be controlled by your iPad via the previously mentioned remote app. The wireless music is however limited to just music through iTunes.

The next option extends on the standard capabilities of the apples airport express allowing you to stream audio from a sources other than iTunes. Haven't checked the feature set in ages but I believe they've entered the app store and might offer something you need.
Check out

Thanks for your reply. That would actually work for music in the iTunes library but the speakers are still playing contents on the desktop computer. For contents on the iPad like movies, youtube, music/videos on the web it wouldn't work.
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