search for jailbreak and mywi for iphone.Could you share the article with us?
I have done a quick search and not found anyway to do this. Everything comes up as a No![]()
search for jailbreak and mywi for iphone.![]()
There are a lot of advantages to the 3G iPad over tethering to an iPhone....with a jailbreak and MifI. (Thats why one should avoid buying the 3G iPad, imo -- that part will be obsolete in not too long.)
There are a lot of advantages to the 3G iPad over tethering to an iPhone.
1. Not everyone has an iPhone
2. tethering sucks the battery life of the iPhone. You will get longer 3G usage out of a 3G iPad then iPad wifi + iPhone combo.
Personally, I think a MiFi is the best way to go. All my gadgets can share one internet connection for one monthly fee.
Personally, I think a MiFi is the best way to go. All my gadgets can share one internet connection for one monthly fee.
The only real downside is that when tethering you can't use voice on your phone.
...with a jailbreak and MifI. (Thats why one should avoid buying the 3G iPad, imo -- that part will be obsolete in not too long.)
The only real downside is that when tethering you can't use voice on your phone.
To each his own. Many of us use our phones a good deal, I rarely go more than 5 minutes without a call or text (between 8am and 8pm). As people begin to use a cell in lieu of business and home phones, this is more common. In my case a 3G iPad is an absolute necessity. For one, I want the GPS capability. Secondly, I want the freedom to use my phone AS A PHONE whenever I want.
Can I jump through hoops, hack my phone, have a back-up power source, etc. and get similar functionality? Sure but it's worth $130 for me to avoid the hassle. I suspect most the time I will be on wifi but 3G will fill the gaps when needed and the pay as you go makes it a no brainer, FOR ME.
ash =o)
I've the same setup, but with £20 PAYG O2 unlimited internet for 12 months![]()
Not true--I've taken calls while on MyWi with no issues whatsoever.
If you're a heavy phone user, then sure, 3G iPad may certainly make more sense but you contradict yourself. If you suspect you will be on wifi most of the time, excessive battery drain of your iPhone shouldn't be an issue as you should only periodically need it (your words). I only periodically use MyWi as I also don't often need it but used it for about 30 minutes the other day, downloaded 30-35 MB data, and saw my battery meter on my iPhone drop 3-4%.
Jump through hoops? After you jailbreak and install and configure MyWi (a few minutes time, considering Spirit jailbreak takes all of about a minute), it's as simple as launching the MyWi app--done.
Also, it's not $130 to avoid the hassle--assuming you use 3G data on your iPad every month for a year, it's $130 plus the $180-$360 it costs for the additional data plan. So avoiding that 'hassle' is actually $310-$490. But as you said, to each their own...
Where did you get that from!? I want!
Checkout fleabay or other forums. First one I got from forums and the next one from ebay.