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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 2, 2010
Yesterday, around 4:00 pm, I learned I would need to present a topic at a meeting @ 7pm, right as I was heading into another activity. At 5:00, I decided I would do a keynote press on the iPad, and literally in the lobby put together 10 slides. I also had to set up and get some other stuff ready for the meeting, so in just a little less than an hour, including a few edits while driving to the meeting, and a few edits while the club president started the meeting, I got the following ready to go.

I know it is not too fancy...and it could have been edited more...and I probably could have done a better job on a desktop, but the point is that I literally did the pres while on the go...walking, eating, even driving, to get it done in time.

I also delivered the press from the pad. It worked really well. The only hang up was the projector went into auto sync, trying to find a connection. The cable had come loose because of my external case pushing the cable away from the iPad. But, once I got it reconnected, it was perfect.
That's impressive, imagine once multitasking in iOS4 is enabled what that experience will be like. Kudos.
Great photos, nice presentation! I'm impressed with the amount of work you can get done on an iPad. I've also quit my point and shoot camera in favor of my iPhone 4 and find that it takes just as good if not better pics :)
very cool photos.

Makes me wonder if I may infact use my iPad for lecture presentations in the future like I do with Power point.

If the connections work properly with the projector I think I may have to give it a go one of these days....
I give a lot of lectures, and have been creating them almost exclusively on the iPad since I got it. Great for photo/image manipulation. I often use a template set I purchased from iPresentee, which gives you more options.

-easy to use - in spite of the negatives below, I overall prefer using it to using the Mac
-easy to set up and project
-coolness factor (people love it)

Negatives I've come across:
-some projectors automatically put out an 800x600 size projection, which squeezes the iPad's display output. The iPad has no controls to input to the projector any changes.
-uploading to iWork: won't do more than 50 slides
-the iPad does not have the "reduce file size" option that Keynote for Mac does, so sometimes the presentations end up very large, so emailing/etc can be a hassle.
-the slides don't show up on the iPad when projected to a screen, so you have to look at the projected image to remind yourself of what's next
-no remote controls...must stay near or go back to the iPad to advance slides
Version 2...with Animation

I prefer to use the iPad, since it is much easier to align and manipulate visuals on a tactile screen than with a mouse and keyboard. Of course, the typing is slightly slower, but keynotes typically shouldn't have much text.

WoW! Thanks for all the positive feedback everybody!!! I feel like I actually did something worthwhile...and my post didn't go unanswered, like several others of mine have. ;)

A fellow MR Member (Mark Iskander) tweaked the presentation (animation, etc.) and then I added a picture and made a few other tweaks also. it is much more impressive now.

I like the animation offered in Keynote...and as others have said, I was really impressed with how easy it was to move graphics around with the fingers. Sometimes it is a a little awkward in selecting vs. editing, but I am getting the hang of it.

I still like the original presentation that it was done from start to finish in less than hour...with me making text changes while I was being introduced. The guy said, "Ready to go?" I was editing some text.

I mean, I have worked on presentations until the very last second on laptops, but walking around with the pad in my hand editing stuff, meeting and greeting people, etc. It is hard to was just ...very portable...much more so than a laptop...and just as effective. I really feel that if I had to have done it on a computer or laptop, it would have been MORE complicated.

"...,including a few edits while driving to the meeting,"

Now I know that there may be worse things than teenagers texting while driving. I'm just sayin'...
Very nicely done. However, the insect pictures threw me off (I cannot stand insects... have that phobia). But hats off to you my friend.
That is great, good job. I actually just went and downloaded Keynote from the app store after seeing your presentation. I already had Pages and Numbers but wasn't sure about Keynote on the iPad. Thanks for sharing!
Very nice. :)

People keep saying the iPad is only good for consuming content and this just proves it's not true. No, you can't do everything on an iPad but there's a lot you can do with it. I write for a Mac website and a lot of my writing and researching is done on the iPad and even on the iPhone. I can write quick notes while I'm waiting for the subway, research stuff online if I have some down time during lunch... When I get home I just bring it all together and finish editing.
Nice job and great content. I'm a hobby photographer and a Nikkor 105mm is on my short list of next lenses to buy.

I had a chance to get a 200mm Micro (manual focus version) lens a few years ago before realizing a manual focus lens is better for macro work. :( To be young and dumb, right. :)
menelsonjr said:
"...,including a few edits while driving to the meeting,"

Now I know that there may be worse things than teenagers texting while driving. I'm just sayin'...

Well, what can I say. The iPad fits very nicely in a fixed position just below the radio. So, it's not like I was holding it and driving. I try to avoid driving and texting...which i think is more dangerous than what I was doing, really. Mainly because the average cell phone (mine is anyway) is so small that it is dangerous to be trying to do that while driving. Ok, I may just be justifying my use of the iPad while driving because when I get in the car, I frequently put the pad in it's cruising place. And when I say edit, I was going through the slides and tweaked a couple of typing errors...minor stuff.

Anyway, thanks everybody for the additional positive feedback.

As far as a dedicated macro, one thing I talked about between the slides was my experience of dedicated macro. I have owned several, even the infamous nikon 105vr, but have found the my favorite set up is the nikon 70-200 vr with the canon 500d filter. I think every photo in the press was taken with that combo...or at least most of them.

As far as the pad being consumption vs creation, my whole point with creating the pres was that I didn't have time or the means to be able to do it on a laptop. If the iPad couldn't do it, I was just going to get up in front of the crowd and wing it holding up different items, as I talked about them, etc. And I hate doing that. It was a last minute decision to do SOMETHING on the iPad. My original idea was just to email the list of topics I had brainstormed and use the iPad as my note card. Then, about 5:00pm, I thought, hey, let's paste the list into a slide and see what I can do in the next 30 mins.

Sorry's the smallness and up close and personal that makes macro so interesting. But I agree...I prefer flowers.

Mkelly, the bee photo is a composite of many photos. I had taken 100 pictures of this bee in flight, hovering in the early morning light, I assuming warming up. I didn't get one good picture of the bee all in focus, but I was able to merge several together to make that shot. Fortunately, the subject to camera distance did not change the entire time I was shooting it.

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