The data plan is attached to the micro SIM card. If you get a new iPad and put the old micro SIM card in it you get the unlimited data. Nothing about the data plan is actually in the iPad.
My hubby's iPad 3G came with apparently unlimited 3G data. He never signed up for a data plan, and according to "Settings" he has no plan and has used no data, yet his iPad connects via 3G to ATT's network, browses web, etc even with WiFi turned off. Is this some sort of lucky glitch in his iPad's SIM card? My iPad, the exact same model, does not, shucks. Wonder if anyone else has received a similar gift of unlimited free data.
He's asking about billing not function.
I'd like to know this too.
His magic iPad with unlimited free 3G data came straight from Apple online store.
Can an old unlimited data plan be transferred from one account to another? Say that I signed up for the unlimited data plan on my iPad before they changed the rate and I sold my 3G iPad, could I transfer that unlimited data plan?
Go to cellular dats and click on the button for account information and see what comes up. Either you have a sim card with an account on it or you are really connecting on wifi. If the account window comes up asking for an email address instead of saying it's a new number then you have a previously used sim.