Sense I have day one plus grandfathered in should I use Day One for journaling or is it not worth it?
Here are the differences from Premium:
Sorry for a stupid question
I have Day One and I’m grandfathered as well. I use it every day (almost... I try to). I’m a huge journaler and I type a lot and have kept paper journals before I went to Apple and found out about Day One years ago. I really like Day One. It seems like this company will continue to be around for awhile though I can’t imagine they’re making a TON of money from it, but it is the best journaling app out there. If you’re looking to save $, Dyrii is very good and a bit cheaper, though development on it has been halted.
I’ve been typing my journal entries into Apple Notes then copy/pasting them to Day One, then putting photos in via my iPhone. I like the location abilities of Day One - the ability to past a photo and have Day One put the location of the entry where the photo was taken. I export my Day One entries by month, at the end of the month, into iCloud to PDF for “backup” as well.
Apple Notes is great for recording information but Day One’s posts by location, photo abilities, entries on this day in the past, and various other features have me hooked. I just wish it would have a dark theme, typewriter mode (I type entries into Apple Notes cuz I can keep text input at the top of the screen, not at the bottom), and I wish I could sync to iCloud instead of their proprietary server. But I do encrypt with private key.
I’m a happy Day One plus user (grandfathered) and will be for a long time. I too look forward to audio recording.