The iPhone has a free app for that, *checking for an iPad version*
Update: No app so i went ahead and visited the site and did the check. No pixel issues or yellow tint
can you post the link for iphone version tho?
I called apple today and complained about the issue I have. The guy I spoke with is going to get back with me tmr about verifying stock at a local apple store and setting me up with an appt to get it replaced. Since the store is over an hour away it sounds like they will be giving me some accessories for my trouble. Will have to see what they say for certain tmr.
Search "Pixel Check" it's the first free app.
This app for the iPhone to check the LCD screen for bad pixels is NOT available. WTF?
You don't need and app for that. Just download the solid color pictures and use that to find any pixels that stand out. For me it was a white pin dot that showed up when full black color is displayed.
Dead pixels will always be black since they can not be energized. Stuck pixels will be white, red, blue or green. Usually stuck pixels will go away just as they may appear over time. It is common with this type of technology.
Thanks for the clarification.
Is there any way to unstick the pixel?
The one I knew about wasn't much of a problem, but I'm still debating if I should seek a replacementI hate this stuff. If you have to test it to see if you have any problems then you don't have any problems. I can promise you that many units that are returned for "defects" would be "perfect" in the hands of many. A cluster of red stuck pixels in center screen would be problematic. One or two spread around that you only noticed by running a "test" that does not reflect everyday use is not really an issue IMHO.
ash =o)