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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 5, 2017
May be an obvious question but here goes.

I am a teacher. My attendance program has a seating chart. In the program all the seats are stacked together in the top left hand corner. Since it is unacceptable to stack 30 students one on top of another (even doubling them up is frowned upon) I have to "grab" each seat and move it where it will be positioned in my classroom. On iOS 10 I could not do this as it requires a mouse to grab the seat and reposition it.

So will iOS 11 Safari (or another browser needs must) allow me to click on a seat and drag it to its new position?

If so this would just about eliminate the need for me to use my ancient school Macbook and I could use my iPad 10.5. Thanks for your help.
I’m not familiar with the program but the drag and drop on an iPad is designed to drag between programs. Not sure it would help you here.
I’m not familiar with the program but the drag and drop on an iPad is designed to drag between programs. Not sure it would help you here.

That was my concern. Hope it lets the user "grab" objects within Safari and "drag" them to another location to "drop" them like a mouse does.

If not its not that big a deal. They do provide a Macbook and failing that I have my home PC to do seating charts. THe iOS 11 Drag and Drop looks like an outstanding feature regardless.

Thank you.
May be an obvious question but here goes.

I am a teacher. My attendance program has a seating chart. In the program all the seats are stacked together in the top left hand corner. Since it is unacceptable to stack 30 students one on top of another (even doubling them up is frowned upon) I have to "grab" each seat and move it where it will be positioned in my classroom. On iOS 10 I could not do this as it requires a mouse to grab the seat and reposition it.

So will iOS 11 Safari (or another browser needs must) allow me to click on a seat and drag it to its new position?

If so this would just about eliminate the need for me to use my ancient school Macbook and I could use my iPad 10.5. Thanks for your help.

It looks like it won't change for iOS 11. So if it didn't work before, it won't work now.

In HTML5 the native drag and drop extensions do not extend to touch devices. There are a number of JS workaround for simulating this behavior but they are workarounds.

I suppose Apple did not want to, did not attempt to, or could not reliably use the new drag and drop APIs to simulate mouse style drag and drop in Safari.

This is "native" drag and drop in HTML. Doesn't work in iOS 10 or iOS 11

This is "simulated" drag and drop in JS. Should work anywhere.
Oh well, thank you for the reply. Some great info.

iOS 11 still has some great features.
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