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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 12, 2009
Charlotte, NC
I will be using my iPad primarily for eBook reading and music while traveling. What I have been trying to find is some article or blog with guidelines showing eBook or #songs or #photos capacity as stated with iPhones/iPods. Has anyone seen anything? Or for usesrs of ebooks with other systems, can anyone estimate capacity+
I will be using my iPad primarily for eBook reading and music while traveling. What I have been trying to find is some article or blog with guidelines showing eBook or #songs or #photos capacity as stated with iPhones/iPods. Has anyone seen anything? Or for usesrs of ebooks with other systems, can anyone estimate capacity+

Most eBooks are under 1MB, some VERY large (over 1000 pages) are 2-3MB. eBooks with lots of pictures, etc, will be larger. You don't really have to worry about them taking up much space.
With my old Sony 505, I added a 2GB Memory stick and 2GB SD card and that was a TON of space for eBooks, including comics i converted myself. If your main use will be to read, then having fixed memory isn't a huge issue when it starts at 16 GB :)
I think regular books will be very small, however I'm willing to bet that books with a lot of high res images will be bigger.

It also depends on if it a .PDF. I recently downloaded a Photoshop Book in PDF that was like 70mb.

Either way even the 16GB will be plenty of storage
Books Galore

I carry over 150 books on my 16 Gb iPhone all the time. Space should not be a problem because of the books.
And while it may not be the best measurement tool, Steve Jobs downloaded a decent, average sized eBook from the iBookstore during the Keynote and it downloaded within 10 seconds over WiFi. It's obviously relatively small.

This at least gives us a good idea of what iBooks measure.
most ebooks are a couple hundred MB's at most. I'm interested in how Itunes will be redesigned to allow for Ebook entry. Will I be able to point to my existing non DRM ebbok library, import it into Itunes, and then what type of editing capabilities will I have, Will I be able to put in a cover image?
most ebooks are a couple hundred MB's at most. I'm interested in how Itunes will be redesigned to allow for Ebook entry. Will I be able to point to my existing non DRM ebbok library, import it into Itunes, and then what type of editing capabilities will I have, Will I be able to put in a cover image?

couple of hundred MBs? :eek: What books are you reading? Most books are no more than 10-15 mbs
couple of hundred MBs? :eek: What books are you reading? Most books are no more than 10-15 mbs

Yeah most are even way less than 10MB when they're in the ePub format which is what the iPad reads.
most ebooks are a couple hundred MB's at most. I'm interested in how Itunes will be redesigned to allow for Ebook entry. Will I be able to point to my existing non DRM ebbok library, import it into Itunes, and then what type of editing capabilities will I have, Will I be able to put in a cover image?
What on earth? I've yet to read one that broke 10MB...
Are we talking about fiction books, or tech manuals?

It's a pretty big book that is over 1mb in basic RTF format.
Decent sized novel is no more than 400kb in ePub.. if even that. (No graphics, just text)
Most of the books my wife has downloaded have been under 1.5MB. Most of the Cisco stuff I have looked into have been around 15-20MB. Any PDF's I have for work are usually also no bigger than 20-25MB.

I think we will have plenty of room.
Yeah, I guess we do need to make a distinction here, since 'ebook' can mean many things.

A basic text novel will usually be under a 1mb even with fancy formatting. (I can think of exactly one I have that breaks 1mb, and they split that book into a trilogy when it went from hardcover to paperbook.)

I guess the sky's the limit on things like O'Reilly books and anything in PDF.

But if you just mean fiction/novels, storage space for them will be trivial.
You can't judge capacity by the number of songs because a 10 minute song is larger than a 2 minute song.

That may be true, but pretty much every hardware manufacture does measure like that. All of these companies give an estimate to the average size of the files (most under estimate to make it seem like more) to determine these calculations. Giving real world examples like these is easier for customers even if it isn't highly accurate.
That may be true, but pretty much every hardware manufacture does measure like that. All of these companies give an estimate to the average size of the files (most under estimate to make it seem like more) to determine these calculations. Giving real world examples like these is easier for customers even if it isn't highly accurate.

That's right - and was the basis of my question. Thanks for all of the replies.
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