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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Nov 19, 2003
Now that the iPad has been out for a little while now, can some users please comment on the iPads ergonomics. It seems like it would be a bit cumbersome for everyday use because of the fact that it is a tablet. Please comment.
I've had mine for a week. My hand hurts from holding it. It is hard to use laying down in bed. iPhone is far more comfortable to use.
^^^^ Hit the gym, bro.:D

I've had mine since launch day.

It's been a pleasure to use.

At first I thought the weight of it would annoy me, but I've gotten used to it.

I use it every night before I go to sleep in bed to surf or to watch streaming video (currently watching the Firefly series on Netflix.....)
djamtrax has a point... the iPad is light but holding it for along periods of time seems like it will be a pain in the ass.
Stop holding it. It's a belly-top. :D
My only ergo issue is playing pinball. The screen has no give like a flipper and my thumbs get sore.....
I would love to buy the thing but thinking of every situation i would use the iPad it seems like it would be uncomfortable. Sitting down at the coffee table i can't just lay it flat cause i can't see the screen. Laying down on the bed i would need to hold it up. On the airplane, i would need to hold it up. My favorite game tap-tap is uncomfortable to play with on the iPad. If i get a stand up case i would need to hold the entire unit to type. The only benefit i can think of is its light weight which would be good for me since i do a lot of traveling but everything else seems like it would be a compromise.
I would love to buy the thing but thinking of every situation i would use the iPad it seems like it would be uncomfortable. Sitting down at the coffee table i can't just lay it flat cause i can't see the screen. Laying down on the bed i would need to hold it up. On the airplane, i would need to hold it up. My favorite game tap-tap is uncomfortable to play with on the iPad. If i get a stand up case i would need to hold the entire unit to type. The only benefit i can think of is its light weight which would be good for me since i do a lot of traveling but everything else seems like it would be a compromise.

Get a case with a low-level incline stand like the Apple case or the Marware Eco-Vue. That should incline it enough to easily view it while it's laying on a table, and should help with typing.
I haven't had a problem with the feel, weight, or general ergonomics out of it. I got the Belkin Grip Vue case and the grip actually helps as far as leaning it against stuff with out it sliding down or anything. So I haven't had any problems out of it. I get why some people would.

Keyboard for me is kind of hit and miss (bought it April 30th). Sometimes it's easy to type on other times it's not as easy. I've noticed the less I pay attention to how I type and just type on it trusting my fingers to type the correct letters the better luck I have out of it. Even so, the iPad is more about media consumption (internet, email, video, music, and reading) not typing.
weight is an issue.

But the viewing angle is extremely good so you can work around this.

It needs to be lighter and eventually will be.

The thing is, this form factor is inherently awkward compared to a laptop which is just about ergonomically perfect.

But the laptop is also constrained by it's shape, and has limited positioning options, which tablets can handle.

whatever :rolleyes:
Get a case with a low-level incline stand like the Apple case or the Marware Eco-Vue. That should incline it enough to easily view it while it's laying on a table, and should help with typing.

I will definitely look into this. Although i would prefer to have the iPad bare with no case. What attracts me to the iPad is its small and thin size, a case seems to nullify this. My thinking is if i have a folio type case i would rather just use a netbook or my Macbook Pro

weight is an issue.

But the viewing angle is extremely good so you can work around this.

It needs to be lighter and eventually will be.

The thing is, this form factor is inherently awkward compared to a laptop which is just about ergonomically perfect.

But the laptop is also constrained by it's shape, and has limited positioning options, which tablets can handle.

whatever :rolleyes:

That's exactly what i was thinking. I guess i just need to give it a little more thought before i purchase one.
I've had mine for 12 days now, at first it was a bit of a pain but once I received my apple case it made sense. Now I can type at a good rate and sit in a comfortable possition whilst typing.
The iPad's weight is not a deterrent. If you're used to reading hard cover books, the weight is the same and the same ergonomics apply.

When using my iPad lying down, I'm rarely holding it up - same as a book. My iPad is either on the bed/sofa if I'm on my side/front or on my belly or legs if I'm on my back. When I'm sitting at a desk, my iPad is propped up using the Apple case at a 20% (?) angle. This angle is perfect for reading at the breakfast table or sitting on the desk next to my computer. In the first week of owning my iPad, I read while the iPad was flat on the table. That was ok, but now I've gotten so used to the 20% angle, that I use this all the time.

The iPad has changed how I work now, too. I use my iPad for all my email, and for my 'quick surfing' (like looking up the definition of a word, or syntax to a coding issue, or reading a wikipedia entry). It's also used to kill time while downloading, installing or compiling applications. The iPad is the best form factor yet for Scrabble!
apple case works

The apple case makes it very easy to prop up on any surface, and makes it possible to type. So the iPad supports itself. All I want to see is the screen - I don't care about the bare look. And the Apple case is really just about as unobtrusive as you can get, while protecting your investment.
I use mine either slouched on the couch or slouched in bed. Prop it on my tummy. No hand ache, just total relaxation. When I try to use my laptop like that I struggle to see the keys properly. When I say slouched, I don't mean Married with Children, hand in my jeans slouched, but more just chilled. I think it's terrific. I've gone from using my iTouch and iMac a heck of a lot, to using my iPad almost exclusively. It's not great laying on your back, true, but neither is a laptop - I use my iPod in that situation.
Ergonomics are great for everything except typing. The angle required to type directly onto the iPad screen is guaranteed to give you carpal tunnel if you use if often.
If feels great to hold (that's what she said), but most of the time I have it resting on a table or sofa. I'm not fond of the volume control position. It should be a tad lower where the hands naturally rest (at least in portrait position). It really needs a s/w volume control b/c of the rotation feature.
I've had mine for a week. My hand hurts from holding it. It is hard to use laying down in bed. iPhone is far more comfortable to use.

I feel the same. But the only way to make it substantially lighter would be to decrease the battery capacity. And I would definitely be against that.
"I will definitely look into this. Although i would prefer to have the iPad bare with no case. What attracts me to the iPad is its small and thin size, a case seems to nullify this. My thinking is if i have a folio type case i would rather just use a netbook or my Macbook Pro"
The apple case really does not add to the size significantly. It is extremely thin both with the cover closed and the cover folded back. The ability to prop up the ipad in your lap is also exremely handy.
Have you tried one at an Apple store yet?

Yes i have, twice for approx 10-15 minutes each time hand held. I can definitely feel the strain in the wrist. I'm fairly young and i bench 225lbs 10+ reps so please don't tell me to go to the gym to use the iPad... ;)
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