Hey guys, I'm pretty sure I'm headed to Afghanistan next year with my old Oklahoma Army National Guard unit. I've been trying to think of ways the iPad could be used in my particular line of work. It sounds like our mission will be more proactive on our part and interacting more with locals to collect HUMINT. Obviously I will not have any sort of internet or data connectivity when outside of the FOB so any ideas that get thrown around here will need be based with that in mind. The app needs to run native on the iPad for it to be useful to me. I went to the Apple store to get a little demo of iWork, Keynote more specifically, since we used Microsoft powerpoint for a lot of our overlays for briefings and SITREPS. I figured I could load some blank maps up in PDF's and place in keynote to draw on when I'm out in the field and keep notes on. Then, once back on the FOB, sync them with my computer to be converted to Powerpoint presentations for distribution to the rest of the unit. Hopefully Brushes makes an HD version for the iPad because that would be preferable to easily sketch out locations on.
I've heard the rumors of the military in talks with apple to develop military specific software, but have yet to get any solid info on this. I even heard of a few apps made for iPod touch (vCommunicator to name one).
Does anyone really think this would be logical or is it too much wishful thinking on my part to use apple products in theater instead Dell's with Vista on them.
Anyone have any other possible uses in the Intelligence collections and analyst field.