Good question, I guess it depends upon how desperate you are. Maybe sometime in July?
Seems crazy that the Spaniards have it and we don't. Now there's a thought, I wonder if there's an Apple Centre in Badajoz? Hmm, no Apple centre but I guess if one didn't mind a few hours in the car:
06005 - BADAJOZ
Tel. 924 213 300
Come to think of it if I dont manage to get one at the end of July in the UK, I might make a round trip on hols in northern Portugal and return via Badajoz.
Uma autêntica vergonha. Quando esta porra sair em Portugal já vai estar sobre a mesa o lançamento da nova versão do iPad.. Nem no Natal deve estar disponível.. A solução é mm comprar lá fora, especialmente se só quiserem a versão Wi-fi
It's not available in Brazil either, seems Apple doesn't like those who speak Portuguese. Though the drive from Lisbon to Badajoz is an easily accomplishable thing on a weekend if you really want the iPad.