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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 2, 2010
Is there any rumor on when will the iPad be available for portuguese consumers???
iPad in Portugal

Good question, I guess it depends upon how desperate you are. Maybe sometime in July?
Seems crazy that the Spaniards have it and we don't. Now there's a thought, I wonder if there's an Apple Centre in Badajoz? Hmm, no Apple centre but I guess if one didn't mind a few hours in the car:

06005 - BADAJOZ
Tel. 924 213 300

are listed by Apple as suppliers.

Come to think of it if I dont manage to get one at the end of July in the UK, I might make a round trip on hols in northern Portugal and return via Badajoz.
What's taking so long for the iPad to be sold in Portugal?!?! I'm not going to another country to buy it!!!
Uma autêntica vergonha. Quando esta porra sair em Portugal já vai estar sobre a mesa o lançamento da nova versão do iPad.. Nem no Natal deve estar disponível.. A solução é mm comprar lá fora, especialmente se só quiserem a versão Wi-fi
It's not available in Brazil either, seems Apple doesn't like those who speak Portuguese. Though the drive from Lisbon to Badajoz is an easily accomplishable thing on a weekend if you really want the iPad.
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