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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 14, 2015
Hi guys

As the title suggests, that is my main motivation for considering an iPad.
I’m an amateur writer and would like something practical to replace my a4 and a5 notepads, which size iPads do you guys recommend? For flow reasons I’d really not have to stop and start every few seconds
I have an iPad Pro 11 and personally love the size for scribbling and using it as a notepad amongst other things. The size feels natural like a magazine and I prefer it over it’s smaller Mini 6 and bigger 12.5 cousins.

However since you said writing, please also consider e-ink devices like ReMarkable. If I was mainly looking to replace notepads I’d definitely consider them as it’s a lot more natural and paper-like to write on them.

IPad Pro 11 is right between A4 and A5 in overall dimensions, and the ratio is pretty close (1.43:1 vs 1.41:1). I have a 12.9” myself, and it seems like it’d be big to me, as a primarily hand-writing tool.
I have an iPad Mini 6 for everyday notes at home. Really like not having post it notes and various notepads around my desk. The mini works great for my use. For an amateur writer, however, I would not recommend the mini and definitely go with something larger like the iPad Air or iPad Pro 11. Add a paper feel type screen protector and you would have a great set up.
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