A good text editor would be nice on the iPad, or at least a proper shell client—something that resembles Apple's Terminal.
Currently the iPad is not suited to web work.
I don't have every version of every web browser on my desktop either. I use
http://browsershots.org/ . It'd be nice if an app could integrate with this service.
You don't have to have all, just the important one. Currently the iPad is not suited to web work.
Certainly, but this is a design issue—and it doesnt sound like an insurmountable one.
Currently the iPad is not suited to web work.
I could imagine two solutions: (1) web "projects" can be be bundled together and synced by WiFi (tarballed by some application with metadata, perhaps); (2) the app could simply be an enhanced text editor with a ssh/ftp client embedded.
Currently, the tools aren't really there especially iof the Op needs a WSYWIG solution.
I wouldn't be too sure about that. I imagine that a good text editor with assorted tools would be great for me when I want to toss around ideas.
Tossing around ideas is not getting work done, and thats what I thought the OP was talking about.
Maybe I should have said
currently it isn't suited to the task, but sure once Dreamweaver is ported to the iPad it will be awesome for web development.
You don't have to have every browser on your machine, just the important ones, but no platform will be good for web development without an assortment of browsers. Sure you can use it for playing with code, but I thought the OP was interested in its use for serious web work.
It really comes down to how you work, if all you need to code HTML5 is a text editor then the iPad will do just fine, once you have an FTP client and provided you don't mind changing applications just to check your preview (admittedly 4.0 makes this easier, but its still not as good as side by side display) , but if you require more of a WSYWIG solution
CURRENTLY the iPad is not a good choice for this task.
It boils down to this, you can make the iPad get the job done, but you will burn more time with workarounds than getting actual work done. Perhaps in a year there will be more mature tools, but currently it is not suite to web work.