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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 16, 2009
Hi, my iPad Air 2 is 18 months old and in the past month I have been having a very annoying problem with it..

Randomly when unlocking the iPad it will not auto rotate and will stick in its current orientation

There's no pattern to it...sometimes it sticks in portrait and sometimes in landscape and no matter how I turn it it won't rotate unless I power cycle it, there's also no pattern as to when it happens...sometimes once a day sometimes it won't do it for a few days

I've tried restoring and even setting up as a new iPad but this hasn't fixed it

As its 18 months old it's Likely to be out of warranty as it was purchased from an Apple Store in the UK

Any ideas or suggestions??.....I could take it into an Apple Store but getting an appointment is near impossible and they're probably going to want to charge me
Hey there - I also get this on my Ipad Air 2...and the only thing that fixes it is powering it down and up...happens about once a week or so. (and no the orientation lock doesn't get turned on :))

I would be interested in hearing of any fixes as well.
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Hi, my iPad Air 2 is 18 months old and in the past month I have been having a very annoying problem with it..

Randomly when unlocking the iPad it will not auto rotate and will stick in its current orientation

There's no pattern to it...sometimes it sticks in portrait and sometimes in landscape and no matter how I turn it it won't rotate unless I power cycle it, there's also no pattern as to when it happens...sometimes once a day sometimes it won't do it for a few days

I've tried restoring and even setting up as a new iPad but this hasn't fixed it

As its 18 months old it's Likely to be out of warranty as it was purchased from an Apple Store in the UK

Any ideas or suggestions??.....I could take it into an Apple Store but getting an appointment is near impossible and they're probably going to want to charge me

I also have also been experiencing this on my Air 2 as of recently. Like Daves said, I have to reboot to fix it.
Hey there - I also get this on my Ipad Air 2...and the only thing that fixes it is powering it down and up...happens about once a week or so. (and no the orientation lock doesn't get turned on :))

I would be interested in hearing of any fixes as well.

You don't necessarily have to power it down every time. You can execute a hard reset as well by holding the power button and volume button simultaneously. It can actually will clear other issues perhaps contributing to unknown glitches.
Happens to my Air 2 from time to time as well. A quick reboot fixes it. Still annoying though.
I had this happen on a refurb iPad mini 4 that I got a few days ago. Thought I had a bum unit but turning it off and back on corrected the issue. Haven't seen it since. I'm fully updated to the latest iOS.
Were your units plugged it? Noticed that unit was charging for maybe a few minutes prior to it happening.
I had this happen on a refurb iPad mini 4 that I got a few days ago. Thought I had a bum unit but turning it off and back on corrected the issue. Haven't seen it since. I'm fully updated to the latest iOS.
Where you units plugged it? Noticed that unit was charging for maybe a few minutes prior to it happening.

Mine has happened when not plugged in or recently charged.
[doublepost=1492862536][/doublepost]I saw an odd variant on this yesterday - the on-screen keyboard would display in landscape on pages oriented portrait and nothing could get it to rotate to portrait. Took a power cycle to reset it.
It is a well know bug that exit from iOS 10 (it is called iPad Air 2 rotation bug). Many people wrote to Apple ask for a fix but Apple don't want listen.
I got a "cannot duplicate" case closed note from Apple after filing it on every iOS 10 beta ...

Not really surprised. For me, it is entirely random and rare though extremely irritating when it does occur. This falls in their "live with it" category of issues that aren't worth spending $ chasing down.
Hi, my iPad Air 2 is 18 months old and in the past month I have been having a very annoying problem with it..

Randomly when unlocking the iPad it will not auto rotate and will stick in its current orientation

There's no pattern to it...sometimes it sticks in portrait and sometimes in landscape and no matter how I turn it it won't rotate unless I power cycle it, there's also no pattern as to when it happens...sometimes once a day sometimes it won't do it for a few days

I've tried restoring and even setting up as a new iPad but this hasn't fixed it

As its 18 months old it's Likely to be out of warranty as it was purchased from an Apple Store in the UK

Any ideas or suggestions??.....I could take it into an Apple Store but getting an appointment is near impossible and they're probably going to want to charge me
I was having the same issue but not once since restoring to iOS 10.3.1. Seems gone for me
Same issue here. It's annoying that Apple won't even acknowledge the bug. I get that the issue can't be duplicated on-demand. But, with so many experiencing the issue, they should at least accept that a problem exists and work to resolve it.
It happen almost one/three time every week. So if Apple really want to fix it is very easy: use an iPad Air 2 for some day and this bag will show up.
I quite often get this situation on both my iPad Pros (9.7 and 12.9)... anyone else?

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This has happened once or twice since I’ve owned my current iPad 6th gen. No rhyme or reason to it. Hard to reproduce. Happens infrequently so I won’t make a stink but it’s apparently an issue that could affect like all iPads at some point.
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