So my iPad is not charging through the Magic Keyboard half the time. Also, it takes 2 tries to open up apps like Excel and streaming services.
I’ve rebooted a few times and still the same. It’s only a year and a half old.
Any suggestions?
So I took my iPad to Apple with a Genius Bar appointment. This was at Mall of NH - one of the smaller Apple stores. It was kind of pitiful. 20 salespeople most standing around talking to each other. 3 Geniuses working. The lady that I got didn’t even know how to close the Magic Keyboard with the iPad in it. She ran diagnostics and basically said nothing showed up. Wouldn’t even address the issue with Excel not opening correctly cause it wasn’t an Apple app. The only thing she told me that I didn’t know was that I can extend my Apple Care after it expires. I asked her to show me how. She didn’t know where to find it. I had to show her and no help on how to extend. Really, really poor experience. 😒 Apple.
I’ve rebooted a few times and still the same. It’s only a year and a half old.
Any suggestions?
So I took my iPad to Apple with a Genius Bar appointment. This was at Mall of NH - one of the smaller Apple stores. It was kind of pitiful. 20 salespeople most standing around talking to each other. 3 Geniuses working. The lady that I got didn’t even know how to close the Magic Keyboard with the iPad in it. She ran diagnostics and basically said nothing showed up. Wouldn’t even address the issue with Excel not opening correctly cause it wasn’t an Apple app. The only thing she told me that I didn’t know was that I can extend my Apple Care after it expires. I asked her to show me how. She didn’t know where to find it. I had to show her and no help on how to extend. Really, really poor experience. 😒 Apple.