Engadget has been tipped off that the iPads will be coming to Target in time for holiday sales.

Link HereIt's not quite the definitive proof that some boxes spotted in the wild would be, but a tipster has sent us a few pieces of a puzzle that seem to suggest that Apple could be expanding the iPad's retail presence into Target stores just in time for the holiday shopping season. That includes a list featuring a mysteriously unnamed product that's set to become available on October 3rd (in six different versions, no less), and a series of images from a Target PDA (like the one pictured above) that seemingly show that the item numbers match the iPad prices exactly, and that it will be located in the Digital Audio section -- that's apparently also how e-readers like the Kindle are classified, in addition to iPods. Smoking gun? Not exactly, but it's certainly enough to get us to keep our eye on this one.