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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 11, 2017

I'm wondering if anyone can please help me...

I have an ipad which belonged to my mum (now deceased), it is set up to my mums itunes (with her password) but it has since upgraded the software and is asking for the itunes password to log in which unfortunately I do not know. The password is in the notes section on the ipad but I can't access the ipad without entering the password. I cannot access mums old email account either as again the password is stored in the ipad.

Is there anyway I can bypass the password entering to access the ipad (and passwords) or can I change the itunes log in to my details? I've tried the help option on logging in and it tells me to contact the previous owner...

If anyone can help me I'd be very grateful, many thanks.:)
I'm not saying you are not honest. I'm just saying this is a story a person obtaing an ipad dishonestly would also use, so you suffer. If it were me, I would call Apple Customer Support as the only way around this issue.
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I'm not saying you are not honest. I'm just saying this is a story a person obtaing an ipad dishonestly would also use, so you suffer. If it were me, I would call Apple Customer Support as the only way around this issue.

Thanks for the tip, I rang them and someone will call me back in the morning and as long as I provide a copy of the death cert (which I can) then they'll reset the password.
Do you have a backup of the iPad on a computer?

If so, I wonder if you could use iMazing to view the note containing the password.

Thanks for the above, apple support said they should be able to rectify the problem for me.
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