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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 29, 2018
Ok, hello everyone, this my first post and I want to ask for your kind help, my sister broke the glass of the display of her iPad mini3, we bought a spare to replace the glass, I'm good at doing these things, but I failed to notice that the replacement of the display didn't have the menu button of the ipad, the original display has it incorporated, the new one we bought didn't have it, apparently we must weld it separately. The most important thing is that we touched the screen ( literally the screen) of the ipad, we left a fingerprint marked, my sister tried to clean it, but it seems that the spot was extended, I believe that unintentionally we erased an important layer on the screen...or something, because when we turned on the iPad some distorted lines appear directly were the finger mark was on the screen. Now I don't know if the damage was caused by me putting the touch screen wrong, or when we tried to clean the screen, someone has an idea ?, THANK YOU !! HAPPY NEW YEAR PEOPLE!!!
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